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Any food entrpreneurs here ?

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Wed May 15, 2019 4:06 pm

Any food entrpreneurs here ?

by joe.muller » Tue Aug 27, 2019 2:44 pm

I have (what I think) is a good idea for a niche food product. It will only consist of 3 or 4 ingredients at most, and be pasteurized so it is shelf stable. It would be sold in pint sized jars. I would like to be able to sell this online and ship out of state, or locally in stores. Ideally it would have the 'Kentucky Proud' label, and could easily be made with all organic or vegan ingredients.

Now that I have the idea, and I can make it myself in my kitchen (and get rave reviews from my friends), now what ? It doesn't qualify for home based processing (aka Cottage Foods) under the current Ky statutes, so my only change of marketing this is to actually take it to the next level. Ideally I would like to start as small as possible with minimal investment.

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James Imhoff

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Wed Jul 10, 2019 2:39 am



Re: Any food entrpreneurs here ?

by James Imhoff » Thu Sep 05, 2019 11:51 am

Hi Joe, it sounds good. Do you have a detailed business plan already? Can you share more information about the recipe? Me and my wife are currently looking for a restaurant for sale in Germany where we can serve different tastes and we are searching for different products. If you are interested in promoting and selling your product in Germany you can contact me.
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Wed May 15, 2019 4:06 pm

Re: Any food entrpreneurs here ?

by joe.muller » Wed Sep 18, 2019 10:32 am

Hi Jim, I not nearly quite there yet. Right now I am more concerned about just getting it off the ground, much less selling overseas. Also I am fairly certain that Germany would look down on this product with disdain, since it is quite popular over there (eaten every day.)

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