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Great place to source beef

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Sat May 01, 2010 11:06 pm


Bullitt County KY

Great place to source beef

by BevP » Sun Sep 02, 2018 12:18 am

Robin if this isn't allowed feel free to delete. I live in Bullitt county as most of you know and when ever I get the chance I like to promote what is good out this way and there is nothing I mean nothing better than Young and Robards Farm. They are a family farm off Zoneton Road on Cedar Creek Rd right here in Bullitt county they have really great tasting hormone free grass fed beef. I cannot quote prices but I do believe the prices are fair. I have no business interest in this farm other than want them to do well to be able to continue to be their customer for as long as possible. They have a website but I reach them thru facebook "farmerswife" I just purchased our first side of beef after getting several individual cuts and burger as well as the best strawberries on the planet earlier in the spring.
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Carla G

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Mon Sep 28, 2009 9:01 am

Re: Great place to source beef

by Carla G » Sun Sep 02, 2018 7:41 am

I recommended that farm for beef to a family I worked for a couple years ago. I thought the beef was excellent. The family thought they were pricey but I think it was more a case of them wondering why the meat wasn’t as cheap as Walmart. There’s no educating some people.
Since you’re out that way is there still a pheasant farm out there near Brooks? I used to buy birds from them for Thanksgiving every year and they were great. It’s been 15+ years since I’ve done so however and wasn’t sure if they were still there and can’t remember their name.
"She did not so much cook as assassinate food." - Storm Jameson
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Sat May 01, 2010 11:06 pm


Bullitt County KY

Re: Great place to source beef

by BevP » Sun Sep 02, 2018 9:40 am

Carla, I am sorry I have no idea about the pheasant farm,I can ask Lindsey at Robards the next time I talk to her and she might know.
About the pricing, one thing I didn't mention in my previous post but alluded to was about their honesty, the next morning after picking up our side of beef she contacted me and said they had gone over the paperwork and shorted us.We could either pick up more meat or get a refund. We had no room for more after sharing with 2 family members so I innocently asked how much are we talking about, it was just over 200 dollars. The refund is on the way. You don't get that from just anywhere these days. Love dealing with folks like that.
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Carla G

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Mon Sep 28, 2009 9:01 am

Re: Great place to source beef

by Carla G » Sun Sep 02, 2018 2:34 pm

That sure does say a great deal about the kind of people you’ve done business with. :D
"She did not so much cook as assassinate food." - Storm Jameson

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