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Coffee pot/makers

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Carla G

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Mon Sep 28, 2009 9:01 am

Coffee pot/makers

by Carla G » Sun Sep 02, 2018 8:05 am

Well, my Third Keurig just died. That’s it. It made great cups for about a year but the costs of the water filters and the addition to the landfill (and yes I did eventually use the reusable filters ) on top of a $100+ coffee maker left me feeling like a cash cow.

I love good coffee but I’m limited to the amount I can drink daily so brewing 6+ cups at a time is wasteful. I’ve a got 3 different French presses and they make great coffee but I hate dealing with coffee grounds. (Like a stupid aversion to coffee grounds kind of hate. ) Why can’t they figure out a way to do a French press with a disposable filter?

I love love love perolator (sp) coffee. Does anybody use one they would recommend? Or does anyone use a drip machine that gets the water really hot for a good brew?
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Robin Garr

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Tue Feb 27, 2007 2:38 pm


Crescent Hill

Re: Coffee pot/makers

by Robin Garr » Sun Sep 02, 2018 3:51 pm

Carla, I love my AeroPress. It's quick and simple, and makes sort of an espresso-like coffee, but you can also tweak the water amount to make an Americano that would pass for a regular cuppa. The grounds pop out in a puck that you can shoot straight to the compost or garbage or whatever. You can get it from Amazon for a few pence under 30 bucks.
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Carla G

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Mon Sep 28, 2009 9:01 am

Re: Coffee pot/makers

by Carla G » Sun Sep 02, 2018 7:10 pm

I went on line to research the Aeropress. Wow! It’s really a thing among baristas isn’t it? You didn’t know what you were starting with me but I went on YouTube and got stuck there for almost an hour watching “how tos” and reviews.
So, I ordered one. And the price was more than reasonable so I ordered a pound of Turkish coffee too.
Looks like I’ll be buzzing all through next week! :lol:

Thanks for the recommendation, it was perfect and should solve all the coffee problems I was having.
"She did not so much cook as assassinate food." - Storm Jameson
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Robin Garr

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Tue Feb 27, 2007 2:38 pm


Crescent Hill

Re: Coffee pot/makers

by Robin Garr » Sun Sep 02, 2018 9:29 pm

You're welcome, Carla! Once you've used it a few times, let me know what you think. Unless you hate it, I mean. :mrgreen:
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Margie L

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Tue Sep 16, 2008 1:47 pm

Re: Coffee pot/makers

by Margie L » Mon Sep 03, 2018 11:06 pm

I've been considering one and would love to see an update.
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Carla G

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Mon Sep 28, 2009 9:01 am

Re: Coffee pot/makers

by Carla G » Wed Sep 05, 2018 6:12 am

Used my Aeropress for the first time this morning and I’m really pleased with it. Perhaps if you’re not an AM person and find yourself dragging yourself half asleep into the kitchen to flip a switch on the standard drip coffee maker that you’ve had the foresight to prep the night before, well, an Aeropress might not be for you. But I enjoyed the process of making the coffee. That might wear thin after a few days but minimal cleanup aspect of the Aeropress will never get old for me.

I used the largish coffee scoop that came included as well as a single paper filter (300 also included), heated the water in an electric pot just to the point of tiny bubbles forming. I used a very finely ground Turkish coffee with cardomum. Followed instructions and filled the Aeropress to its max capacity. I already had steamed and frothed some milk in my cup and simply “pressed” the coffee atop of that. The whole process took less than 7 minutes (less time than if I had bought a perkolater which I was also considering.) The coffee was plenty hot, the brew was very smooth and not at all bitter or biting. I’ll play around with the coffee mixture only because of the amount of cardomum in the Turkish coffee but other than that I am extremely pleased with the ease of use and the outcome. Best best best of all is that the coffee grounds simply pop out as a semi solid puck that goes right into the can! Cleanup was little more than a quick rinsing of parts.

I’d recommend the Aeropress and thank Robin for turning me onto it. :) :D
"She did not so much cook as assassinate food." - Storm Jameson
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Robin Garr

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Tue Feb 27, 2007 2:38 pm


Crescent Hill

Re: Coffee pot/makers

by Robin Garr » Wed Sep 05, 2018 7:48 am

Glad you like it, Carla! I did watch a few YouTube videos at first to make sure I was doing it right. There's also a weird but popular technique that involves turning the gizmo upside down, but I couldn't see any point in that. The two major points I had to learn by experience were to use a fine grind and to push down gently, slowly. If it doesn't want to go down, it's probably because you're pushing too hard and fast.
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Carla G

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Mon Sep 28, 2009 9:01 am

Re: Coffee pot/makers

by Carla G » Wed Sep 05, 2018 5:28 pm

I used the upside down method only because it kept the initial water poured into the Aeropress from dribbling through. It seems the whole thing is just another French press but because of the suction it offers more PSI pressure on the plunger. Like an instant pot for coffee! (OMG did I really say that?)
The family I work for did say I seemed a bit more caffeinated that usual. :oops:
"She did not so much cook as assassinate food." - Storm Jameson
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Margie L

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Tue Sep 16, 2008 1:47 pm

Re: Coffee pot/makers

by Margie L » Fri Sep 07, 2018 8:44 pm

That sounds great Carla. Thanks for the review!
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Carla G

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Mon Sep 28, 2009 9:01 am

Re: Coffee pot/makers

by Carla G » Sat Sep 08, 2018 7:45 am

You are certainly welcome.
"She did not so much cook as assassinate food." - Storm Jameson
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Margie L

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Tue Sep 16, 2008 1:47 pm

Re: Coffee pot/makers

by Margie L » Sun Sep 09, 2018 10:37 am

You know, that reminds me of a small appliance that I didn't know I needed until I got one. Despite taking up a valuable 36 square inches of my counter space, I simply love my electric kettle. Who knew?
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Robin Garr

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Tue Feb 27, 2007 2:38 pm


Crescent Hill

Re: Coffee pot/makers

by Robin Garr » Sat Nov 10, 2018 2:03 pm

Hey, Carla, I just got something I really like, and wanted to tell you about it: A stainless-steel mesh filter for Aeropress! It replaces paper filters and lasts forever! Or for a long time? Remains to be seen. :)

It lets the liquid flow through a little faster, so it's best to use it with the upside-down Aeropress - you're doing that already, right? The exchange is that you get more of the essential coffee aroma oils that paper traps, on the good side. On the other side, it lets through just a little very fine sediment, but not nearly as much as a French press. Also, it's microscopically thicker than paper, so you probably won't be able to screw the filter all the way down, but with mine, as long as I tighten it as much as I can, it seems to work fine. Coffee tastes a little better to me, so, highly recommended!

There are about three different models with different mesh fineness, but this one is supposed to be best for espresso or drip grind. It's only $8.99, so what can you lose? :)

The Ultra : Premium Filter for Aero Press Coffee Makers Plus Free eBook with Recipes, Tips & More, Stainless Steel, Washable & Reusable
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Carla G

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Mon Sep 28, 2009 9:01 am

Re: Coffee pot/makers

by Carla G » Sat Nov 10, 2018 9:18 pm

Thanks for the info!
I’m really enjoying my Aeropress. I think I like the process as much as anything. I can’t thank you enough for suggesting it!
"She did not so much cook as assassinate food." - Storm Jameson
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Carla G

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Mon Sep 28, 2009 9:01 am

Re: Coffee pot/makers

by Carla G » Sat Nov 10, 2018 9:24 pm

Margie L wrote:You know, that reminds me of a small appliance that I didn't know I needed until I got one. Despite taking up a valuable 36 square inches of my counter space, I simply love my electric kettle. Who knew?

My wonderful English son in law gave me my electric kettle. He was surprised Americans all didn’t keep one on their countertop the way they do in the UK. I use my constantly now and find it so much faster than using a kettle on the stovetop and more versatile than microwaving a cup at a time. I think my next one will be cordless that sits on a heating element.
"She did not so much cook as assassinate food." - Storm Jameson
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Carla G

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Mon Sep 28, 2009 9:01 am

Re: Coffee pot/makers

by Carla G » Mon Apr 22, 2019 3:01 pm

A5C541EE-3EBE-4067-B2D1-DE48AC6E5764.jpeg (26.26 KiB) Viewed 22079 times

After having company over and discovering what s pain it is making 1 cup at a time with my Europress I’m back to this...

Got to say, it makes fabulous coffee. Better than any drip maker.
"She did not so much cook as assassinate food." - Storm Jameson

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