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Sous vide at home

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Fri Jun 13, 2008 6:32 pm


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Sous vide at home

by AmyBK » Tue Mar 01, 2016 11:20 am

I have been intrigued by the sous vide concept for several years, and on a lark bought the Paragon cooktop through their crowd-funding model about a year ago. It was designed and built by First Build here in town, which is part of GE I believe. It was delivered last week and I have been playing. We've done steaks, pork chops, some veggies, and I currently have pork belly in a korean marinade cooking for the next 10 hours, then refrigerate, slice, crisp in hot skillet for Asian pork buns. Can't wait! The thick cuts of meat have been really impressive for their juiciness and "doneness." Carrots were really good and I usually don't like cooked carrots. Not mushy, intense carrot-y taste. Has anyone else gotten this or a similar system?

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