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S Cruz

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Wed Feb 27, 2008 2:42 pm


401 East Main St. @ Slugger Field


by S Cruz » Sat Sep 20, 2008 10:38 pm

well... tonight the family and i encountered the most adversity a group of folks could endure in an evening involving 2 toddlers. to keep this a reasonable length and to stay on track im gonna throw out a few of the facts and then get on with the analysis.
1. the evening was well thought out.... short trip to Olde Tyme Pottery for stuff, stop by the Kroger near there for infant ibuprophen, then to RichOs for a pint and dinner.
2. the wife and i were fully prepared with a well stocked diaper bag, expectations for a great time, and chipper attitudes (as this is our weekend outing)
3. at Olde Tyme Pottery our youngest became incredibly (by this i mean that the football field sized store was not large enough to make her fusses mild) fussy. we believe she was having some teeth issues. usually her discomfort is somehow transferred to her brother, who at the same time expressed his feelings with simultaneous yelps of dissatisfaction.
4. we decided to pick up the baby meds and some teething drops and forge ahead to dinner (im no quitter).
5. we arrived with the teething issues somewhat resolved (at the expense of our last nerves) and ordered a pint and dinner.
this is where the story becomes relevant to the forum. my wife, in trying to make sure that we were not impeding upon other patrons experience, turned away from her glass to talk to one of our children. at this time, the youngest (high chair) grabbed a full pint of 2 hearted and spilled it all over our table, herself, and my wife. wow! what a catastrophe! or so you would think... NOT SO! thanks to the diligence and absolute awesomeness of the wait staff of RichOs (Sportstime side) it really didnt seem all that bad. first off, when i was all freaked out because my little one had beer all over her shirt, one of the waitresses came out with some donor clothes she had brought for someone else and gave us a shirt to hold us over (what a sweetheart and what luck). second, towels and a mop soon followed and the mess was all but gone in minutes. third, one of the waitresses brings out a shirt for my wife because she is soaked with beer (again, how awesome). finally, our regular waitress brings a new pint of beer out to replace the one that was spilled (maybe i should have played the lottery today). oh, i almost forgot, they all stopped to ogle the kids enough that we could regain our composure while the whole fiasco unfolded. in my opinion this experience embodies what local businesses should be for the community. my hat is off to those three waitresses at Sportstime for the service we had tonight. in the past i have heard and read a few negative remarks about the service there, if that is the case, it was not so tonight for my wife and i. they were great. thanks ladies.
Eat, Drink, and Be Merry.
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Robin Garr

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Tue Feb 27, 2007 2:38 pm


Crescent Hill

Re: RichOs/Sportstime

by Robin Garr » Sun Sep 21, 2008 7:38 am

Great report on an amazing experience that could have been awful but turned out great because of exemplary customer service by RichO's. Thanks for telling the tale, S! (Should we call you S, or do you have a longer first name we should know you by, by the way?)
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Shawn Vest

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Sun Jul 15, 2007 9:10 pm


850 main street, charlestown, indiana

Re: RichOs/Sportstime

by Shawn Vest » Sun Sep 21, 2008 3:29 pm


i was little scared at first too

my guess is that Tabatha, Stephanie, & Roshan were the ladies taking good care of you (i've been wrong a time or 2 though)

five stars for the Sportstime girls

Without question, the greatest invention in the history of mankind is beer. Oh, I grant you that the wheel was also a fine invention, but the wheel does not go nearly as well with pizza. D Barry
850 MAIN 812-256-2699
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S Cruz

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Wed Feb 27, 2008 2:42 pm


401 East Main St. @ Slugger Field

Re: RichOs/Sportstime

by S Cruz » Wed Sep 24, 2008 9:10 am

Eat, Drink, and Be Merry.
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Robin Garr

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Forum host




Tue Feb 27, 2007 2:38 pm


Crescent Hill

Re: RichOs/Sportstime

by Robin Garr » Wed Sep 24, 2008 12:20 pm

S Cruz wrote:s=sam

Thanks, Sam! Nice to meet you. You've been a great forum participant, and I should have asked you earlier ... it always seemed a little awkward calling you "S". :D
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Laura B

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Tue Jan 08, 2008 9:46 am


Miami, Florida

Re: RichOs/Sportstime

by Laura B » Wed Sep 24, 2008 2:26 pm

I really like stories with happy endings. :D
When in doubt, add more wine.
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Todd Antz

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Fri May 11, 2007 12:37 pm


Clarksville, IN

Re: RichOs/Sportstime

by Todd Antz » Wed Sep 24, 2008 8:25 pm

Roger, one of the owners who is an active participant on this forum is out of the country right now on one of his famous beer-cycling trips through Belgium, and I believe is currently in the Bamburg Germany area enjoying more smoked beers than any one person should be surrounded by. Man, was that a rambling sentence.... anyway, I'll try and make sure that he see's this posting when he comes back. I know he always loves hearing that their staff did a great job. I'm sure all of you in the business rarely hear what a great job you are doing, its usually those rare times that someone messes up that you ever hear about how you and your staff are doing. Kudos on writing a positive piece!
Keg Liquors
Keeping Kentuckiana Beer'd since 1976

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Clarksville, IN 47129

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David R. Pierce

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Thu Mar 01, 2007 1:02 pm

Re: RichOs/Sportstime

by David R. Pierce » Thu Sep 25, 2008 7:26 am

Todd Antz wrote:Roger, one of the owners who is an active participant on this forum is out of the country right now on one of his famous beer-cycling trips through Belgium, and I believe is currently in the Bamburg Germany area enjoying more smoked beers than any one person should be surrounded by. Man, was that a rambling sentence.... anyway, I'll try and make sure that he see's this posting when he comes back. I know he always loves hearing that their staff did a great job. I'm sure all of you in the business rarely hear what a great job you are doing, its usually those rare times that someone messes up that you ever hear about how you and your staff are doing. Kudos on writing a positive piece!

Lucky bastard...
David R. Pierce
The Original BBC Brewmaster
Bluegrass Brewing Co.
St. Matthews branch
Craft Brewing Louisville continuously since 1992

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