by JustinHammond » Thu Jun 10, 2010 9:01 am
I was there at 3:45. People were setting up for some type of event. I was just curious as to what was going on. I walked into the tent, received no greeting, smile, or any type of acknowledgement I existed. I stood around for a minute or so and finally approached a person bagging up chips. I ask want was going on and he mumbled something. I ask when the place was opening and he didn't know and said I should talk to the women at the other table. I walked over to the other table and was ignored. I waited around for a minute or so, waiting for someone to speak to me and it never happened. A simple, thanks for stopping by and showing interest, however this is a private event, we look forward to seeing you when we open, would have been nice. There was no real horrible attitude, just an overall feeling of not being welcome.