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Robin Garr

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Tue Feb 27, 2007 2:38 pm


Crescent Hill

Twig and Leaf goes Latin at dinner time

by Robin Garr » Wed Nov 29, 2023 9:41 am

Twig and Leaf goes Latin at dinner time

Guatemalan style tacos: Tasty, spicy shredded beef is piled into three soft, freshly made corn tortillas.

Any discussion of Louisville’s oldest and most iconic restaurants can’t reasonably overlook Twig & Leaf. Founded in 1962, this Douglass Loop neighborhood landmark with its iconic leaf-shaped neon sign has been a local go-to spot for diner fare for a long, long time.

Sure, this place has had its ups and downs. Passing though many ownership hands over the years, it’s been cherished at times, avoided at others: Favored by ‘60s hippies with the late-night munchies, later hailed by the Highlands lunch set, sometimes widely ignored, the Twig endures.

In recent years, Twig & Leaf has been bouncing back under a succession of owners who’ve freshened its look, scrubbed it sparkling clean, and updated its fare while hanging on to its old-school diner vibe. No longer an all-night destination, it’s open daily except Tuesday for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, but closes early evenings until the next day.

But here’s the surprise that drew me back in like a moth to the flame: For the past month, after serving its traditional fresh-made, short-order diner menu from 7 a.m.-3 p.m., – including breakfast dishes served all day as a proper diner should – it now reopens at 4 p.m. with an all-Latin menu featuring Mexican and Guatemalan fare.

Say what? Twig and Leaf becomes La Ramita y la Hoja? Well, not officially, but we could just as well translate the name to Spanish. That would properly recognize the presence of Antonio Vasquez, the chef, who takes the kitchen’s helm evenings and turns out memorable, well-crafted items representing both traditional Mexican delights and the less familiar fare of Guatemala. ...

Read my full review on LouisvilleHotBytes:
https://www.louisvillehotbytes.com/twig ... goes-latin

You'll also find this review in LEO Weekly's Food & Drink section this week:

Twig & Leaf
Mexican and Guatemalan menu
2122 Bardstown Road

Noise Level: Quiet with few other customers at the time of our visit.

Accessibility: The entrance appears accessible to wheelchair users, but seating is in booths or counter stools.

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