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Something for my vegetarian friends!

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Mark R.

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Mon Apr 09, 2007 12:02 pm


Anchorage, KY

Something for my vegetarian friends!

by Mark R. » Wed Sep 28, 2022 7:02 pm

I would assume all mashed potatoes are plant-based but who knows these days?
mashed potatoes.JPG
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Fri Aug 01, 2014 11:13 pm

Re: Something for my vegetarian friends!

by SilvioM » Wed Sep 28, 2022 8:05 pm

It looks like they are also vegan and the “plant based” is the name of the line of products, some of which would already be plant based, some not. https://corporate.asda.com/newsroom/2020/01/02/asda-launches-first-vegan-plant-based-range-with-48-new-products

Not for me, but that they are making an effort to make this line affordable and healthy is certainly a positive for their shoppers.
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Robin Garr

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Tue Feb 27, 2007 2:38 pm


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Re: Something for my vegetarian friends!

by Robin Garr » Wed Sep 28, 2022 8:16 pm

SilvioM wrote:It looks like they are also vegan and the “plant based” is the name of the line of products, some of which would already be plant based, some not. https://corporate.asda.com/newsroom/2020/01/02/asda-launches-first-vegan-plant-based-range-with-48-new-products

Not for me, but that they are making an effort to make this line affordable and healthy is certainly a positive for their shoppers.

Yep. Only in the UK apparently, but this sounds like a practical approach: "However, the findings showed that price is still the main barrier for three in ten UK households (33%), as they believe eating plant based meals will be more costly. With products starting from just £1.50, the new Asda Plant Based range will be the most affordable on the market, giving customers more convenient, cost-effective options to choose from."

Mark, our "indirect vegetarian," seems to have a thing going on about vegetarian stuff. I'm not clear why the idea is so threatening to him, but whatever. :)
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Carla G

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Mon Sep 28, 2009 9:01 am

Re: Something for my vegetarian friends!

by Carla G » Mon Oct 31, 2022 9:13 am

Our large, exended family just got back from a week long stay in Charleston SC. We had a mix of meat eaters, pescatarians, vegatarians and vegans in our group. Happy to report that the restaurant vibe regarding inclusiveness there was fantastic! Not once did we run into a situation where our meatless or even the dairy free members of our family were left without options. And I mean really good, creative meals too, not just a salad and fries. Even on the small island of Folly beach we were ALL able to find wonderful meals to fit our dietary needs. I spoke with one of the owners of a family run place and thanked him for the vegan meal options. "Hey! No worries! I like staying in the restaurant business and that means adapting to what my customers want." Our party of 7 ate there 3X while in town.
"She did not so much cook as assassinate food." - Storm Jameson
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Heather L

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Thu Mar 01, 2007 11:12 am

Re: Something for my vegetarian friends!

by Heather L » Mon Oct 31, 2022 9:57 am

Carla G - please report back to the travel thread re: Folly Beach when you get a chance. Thanks! :)
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Carla G

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Mon Sep 28, 2009 9:01 am

Re: Something for my vegetarian friends!

by Carla G » Mon Oct 31, 2022 11:37 am

Soooo….upon your suggestion (thank you very much) we had 2 or 3 great meals at Taco Boy. Rita’s we enjoyed more than once because I could get raw oysters. What blew us away with its vibe and menu was Chico Feo! Loved loved loved it’s remarkable offerings. There were some also rans but the Pineapple Whip place became a temple for our vegan family members. Thanks again for your so very helpful suggestions!
"She did not so much cook as assassinate food." - Storm Jameson

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