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Brown County?

Moderator: Robin Garr

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Joni L

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Sat Aug 04, 2012 9:04 am

Brown County?

by Joni L » Sat Aug 13, 2022 12:34 pm

Hi all,

My BF and I were trying to think of somewhere close to have a mini-vacation, and I thought of Brown County/Nashville Indiana. I haven't been there in many years and thought it might be fun for a change. However, when the BF mentioned to some work associates, one of them said he had been not too long ago and "everything was gone" and "there was nothing to do".

Can anyone confirm that the area is still worth a visit, or clarify your experience? Also, I will take any and all restaurant/ specific dish suggestions for the area (assuming restaurants are still open after that report, haha)!

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Robin Garr

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Tue Feb 27, 2007 2:38 pm


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Re: Brown County?

by Robin Garr » Sat Aug 13, 2022 1:04 pm

Joni, I can't be much help. Surely Brown County at least has some services for the leaf peepers, though! And there are, or at least used to be, quite a few small local wineries up that way. I'd be surprised if the town of Nashville Indiana doesn't still have some decent eateries. Brown County Inn? I hope someone with real knowledge comes along while I'm riffing. :lol:
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Jay M.

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Mon Apr 09, 2007 10:09 pm

Re: Brown County?

by Jay M. » Sat Aug 13, 2022 1:42 pm

Joni, we (two couples) were there in June. We stayed at the Abe Martin Lodge at the Brown County State Park. We liked the lodge – a little rustic, as you might expect, with large rooms, an on-site restaurant, and an indoor pool/play area. It’s a few miles outside of downtown Nashville. The park has an outdoor pool that looked nice, but we didn’t go in. The park has hiking trails and see link below for other details.

Just outside of town (close to the State Park) is the new Hard Truth Distillery that offered tours, which we took. They have a beautiful tasting room where you can sample their offerings and get cocktails. There is a restaurant next to the distillery – we ate there, and the food was good, but the service was slow as they were dealing with staffing issues that seem to be plaguing many such places. The whole complex is highly recommended. If you want the guided tour, I suggest booking in advance. We were there during the week, but it looked like the kind of place that would be extremely busy on weekends.

There is also the nearby Bear Wallow Distillery that had a fun tasting room but did not offer tours. Decidedly downscale from Hard Truth but also still recommended.

Breakfast at the Brown County Inn was fun and delicious. The fried biscuits with apple butter are famous, but I didn’t indulge. iYou could consider staying there, too – looked pretty good.

The Big Woods Restaurant group has several places around town, including the Quaff On! Pour House and a pizza place (where we ate). They started as a micro-brewery and offer their beers at the restaurants. The group owns/manages the restaurant at Hard Truth, as the distillery, the brewing outfit, and the restaurants are all affiliated.

Downtown Nashville seems to be mostly about shopping (I call them “shoppes”), but there are several restaurants and cafes. We took an open-air trolley ride around town that was a good intro to what’s available in the town.

All-in-all, it was a fun two-night trip within easy driving distance.

Here are some links to places I mention.

https://www.in.gov/dnr/state-parks/inns ... tate-park/
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Gary Guss

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Fri Mar 02, 2007 2:18 pm


Van down by the River

Re: Brown County?

by Gary Guss » Sat Aug 13, 2022 7:08 pm

HobNob Corner is good place to eat, Birds Nest Cafe for Breakfast, Nashville General Store and Bakery, Artists Colony inn and many others. https://www.browncounty.com/listing-cat ... staurants/
Huge Arts Scene there, lots of galleries and craft places to see.. Drive over to TC Steele Park .. https://tcsteele.org/, Also in town itself .. https://www.browncountyartgallery.org/ . The place is beautiful in the Fall and late summer.. lots of artists still working and living there also ..https://www.browncounty.com/event/fourt ... 022-08-26/ A lot of them teach in Bloomington at IU also. Really love the place, if you paint Plein Air, there are lots of opportunities there.

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Joni L

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Sat Aug 04, 2012 9:04 am

Re: Brown County?

by Joni L » Tue Aug 16, 2022 9:07 am

Thanks so much for your responses! I assumed they probably hadn't packed up the entire town, so I remain optimistic. I'll have to remember to post a trip report when I get home!
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Robin Garr

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Tue Feb 27, 2007 2:38 pm


Crescent Hill

Re: Brown County?

by Robin Garr » Tue Aug 16, 2022 1:07 pm

Joni L wrote:I'll have to remember to post a trip report when I get home!

Please do! :)

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