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New Commercial Grade Ice Machine

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Lora S

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Mon Oct 10, 2011 8:51 am

New Commercial Grade Ice Machine

by Lora S » Mon Jul 20, 2015 4:13 pm

Carlon Roofing and Sheet Metal, has a new commercial grade ice machine. We purchased this from Dine Company on March 17th. Payne Electric installed the machine, we used it for less than a week and determined it was not the right capacity for our Commercial Division. The list price was $1929.68. It is a Ice-O-Matic ICEU150HA with a water filtration system.

We are selling the unit for $1500.00 or best offer. Credit Card, Money Order or Certified Check only. If you are interested, please e-mail me at or call 502-458-9898. This is a smaller unit so if you have a civic organization or church group that might be interested it would be the perfect size.

FYI the install was around $350.00. We highly recommend Payne Electric.



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