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Bourbon Red Turkeys for Thanksgiving!

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Deb Hall

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Sun Mar 04, 2007 4:46 pm


Highlands , Louisville

Bourbon Red Turkeys for Thanksgiving!

by Deb Hall » Fri Oct 26, 2007 9:51 pm

Saving Cherished Slow Foods, One Product at a Time

Once again, Slow Food Bluegrass has partnered with Star Farm in Hardeyville, Ky., to sell Bourbon Red Turkeys as a fund raising activity for the convivium. The turkeys are raised free range without antibiotics or growth hormones and are prepared at a USDA inspected processing location. Toms and hens are available this year, and average weights, dressed, are 10-15 lbs for the hens, and 15-20 lbs for the Toms.

If you have never cooked or tasted one of these birds for yourself, you are in for a treat. Not only do they taste fantastic, but you can also feel good about helping to preserve an important livestock breed. By supporting the growing of rare breeds such as the Bourbon Red turkey, you are enabling farmers to attempt to raise other endangered livestock breeds, which adds to the diversity of choices in foods for everyone.

The turkeys will be ready for delivery in the Louisville and Lexington area on November 20th. The will be fresh, not frozen, and the price this year is $4.99 lb. If you would like to order one, please send an email to Mark Williams, slowfoodbluegrass@msn.com, or call him at (502) 303-3760. Order early: they sell out every year!

You can find out more about Bourbon Red Turkeys at: http://www.slowfoodusa.org/ark/bourbon_red.html
and/or visit http://www.albc-usa.org to learn about more breeds that need saving.


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