The Ohio Valley Shape Note Singers, part of VSBC, invite you to the 2013 Harrods Creek/Bob Meek Memorial Shape Note Convention. Activities include:
- Friday, April 26th, Vine St Baptist Church (960 Vine St) will host Fish FRYday Beginning at 6:30p, a community Fish Fry will welcome out of town guests and local residents alike. There will likely be a little singing, maybe even picking.
-Saturday, April 27th and Sunday, April 28th, 9:30 - 3:00 The Harrods Creek/Bob Meek Memorial Convention hosted at Harrods Creek Baptist Church (8102 Hwy. 329 Crestwood/Brownsboro, KY.) People of all ages, backgrounds and singing ability gather to sing old style a capella hymns from three different tunebooks - Sacred Harp 1992 edition, Sacred Harp (Cooper) and Southern Harmony with loaner books available and Dinner on the Ground both days.
Direction to HC - Coming from Louisville, take exit 14 and turn left (look for the yellow & black sign.) The church will be on your left in around 1.5 miles. There is a pond, an old stone church and a newer church next to it. It will be on the church sign.
All activities are free and you don't have to be a singer to join us (heck, just come for a free meal!)
The following links can give you an idea of what we are doing: - Trailer for the documentary "Awake, My Soul" - Story on Sacred Harp