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Bret Donaldson

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Fri Feb 15, 2008 12:14 am

Iroquois Amphitheater Seasonal Food/Bar Positions

by Bret Donaldson » Sun Mar 24, 2019 10:49 am

Love Music? Love Food?

NOW HIRING for the Summer Concert and Show Season at Iroquois Amphitheater!

-Front Counter

SOUTHERN HOSPITALITY CONCESSIONS, the minds behind the great dining and bar experiences at Bourbon and Beyond, Louder Than Life, Hometown Rising, and a host of additional music festivals throughout the country are hiring an all new, top-notch team for Iroquois Amphitheater.

Building on a history of creating innovative food and beverage activations for the live music industry nationwide, SoHo is bringing an all-new F&B experience to Louisville’s own world-class outdoor music venue, Iroquois Amphitheater. We are seeking high-energy, dynamic candidates to join our team.

Due to the demands and nature of the Amphitheater operations, all positions are seasonal and part-time, and have pay rates that are highly competitive. As a diverse and growing organization, the potential for advancement and future opportunities abound for the best performers.

We will host a HIRING EVENT at Iroquois Amphitheater on Monday, April 1 from 1pm-5pm, with follow-up and 2nd interviews on Tuesday April 2. The Amphitheater is located at 1080 Amphitheater Rd, Louisville KY 40214 adjacent to Iroquois Park and Golf Course.

Candidates should have flexible, primarily evening availability. Events take place on days throughout the week. Candidates with verifiable experience in restaurant/catering service, bar/beverage ops, culinary, and high-volume concessions are highly encouraged to apply.

All interested applicants, and especially those interested in Supervisory and Management roles are encouraged to submit a resume for immediate consideration in advance of this hiring session.

Email Resumes to

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