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Thu Aug 23, 2007 12:09 pm


The rolling acres of Henry County

Gerstle's Needs a Head Cook/Kitchen Manager

by RonnieD » Thu Jan 03, 2019 9:30 pm

I am stepping down to pursue other opportunities, but I need a dedicated, motivated Head Cook/Kitchen Manager to take the ball and run with it. Position is full time and will require someone with management experience who wants to lead and oversee the full operation of a growing bar kitchen. We've built a ton of momentum over the past 4 years and need the right candidate to take it to the next level. If that is you or you know someone who fits that description, please stop by the bar and ask for Amy or Erik, or send me a PM and I will provide the necessary contact information to speed you along.


Ronnie Dingman
Chef Consultant
The Farm
La Center, KY

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