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Robin Garr

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Tue Feb 27, 2007 2:38 pm


Crescent Hill

Mirin looking for worker who needs a second chance

by Robin Garr » Mon Oct 30, 2017 3:38 pm

This is one of the best things I've ever seen. If you're not connected with Griffin on Facebook but are interested in this, or know someone who may be, let me know, and I'l make the connection.

Griffin Paulin wrote:Alright friends, we are starting to get busier, and are looking for another employee. Once upon a time, 17 year old Griffin was freshly removed from a Juvenile Detention Facility, and this industry took me in, didn't judge me, and put me to work. I am looking to return that favor to someone who needs another chance.
I do not CURRENTLY have 40 hours per week for this person. This person will be part time, at least for now.
I will not ask this person to submit to a background check- I don't care what you've done. I care what you will do going forward. Going forward, I will ask you to be accountable. I will ask you to be on time. I will ask you to say "yes" and "how" rather than "no" and "can't". I will ask you to work harder, faster, and more efficiently than you've been asked to work before. I will ask you to learn every aspect of my restaurant. You will do dishes. You will do prep. You will cook. You will bus. You will learn. You will work side by side with myself, Michael MacInnes, Jon Kaelin, Ethan Ray, Logan Edwards, and a trio of other hard working, talented folks. Experience is not required, and, honestly, I would prefer you had very little.
If this sounds like you, or someone you know- please send me a message.

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