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Northern Italy and Ticino Switzerland in June/July

Moderator: Robin Garr

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Laura SS

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Thu Mar 01, 2007 12:26 pm



Northern Italy and Ticino Switzerland in June/July

by Laura SS » Fri May 05, 2023 8:25 pm

Hello forum friends! Emerging from lurkerdom in search of recent thoughts about northern Italy. Heading there with our family of 3 in late June/early July. Planned stops include:

    Lake District of Italy and Switzerland: Lakes Como, Lugano, and Maggiore (struggling to nail down exactly where to stay for these days)
    Liguria: Italian Riviera, mainly Cinque Terre and Camogli

Any and all thoughts and suggestions are welcome! It's our first time in Italy, none of us speak Italian, we are not renting a car (trains only), and we don't eat beef or pork, should that color your suggestions.

Thank you all!

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Robin Garr

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Re: Northern Italy and Ticino Switzerland in June/July

by Robin Garr » Mon May 08, 2023 4:18 pm

Laura, I used to travel in Northern Italy a lot, but that was in the '00s, so I'm afraid any specific advice would be mighty stale. I can tell you that I love the place, though, from Trieste and Verona right through the Lake district and Milan to Piemonte and Liguria, and I hope you do, too.

I picked up a little tourist Italian, but have never been fluent, and I find that while universal English isn't guaranteed, the Italians will find a way to communicate, and just a little bit of "Buon Giorno" and "Grazie" on your part will make it even better. I'm also pretty sure you'll never find a bad meal or glass of wine.

I hope you get more input here, and since this forum doesn't get a lot of traffic, please feel free to repost in the main Louisville Restaurants forum as well. We're not sticklers about topic rules. :)

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