Want to get one of the new Carbon Steel pans, need like around 12" so I can cook bacon in it.. Replacing my old Vollrath non-stick which is starting to scratch a bit.. Matfer vs. Vollrath ? or anyone have any other preference. I like the idea of never having to eat teflon again and the carbon steel one is lighter than my old 12" Lodge Cast iron which weighs like 10 pounds. The Vollrath one is a little lighter than the Matfer. I'm using on a flat top glass electric range (not my favorite but it's what we got) so weight is important and it needs to sit flat on it to transfer the heat... Anyone have any thoughts on this? Cooks Illustrated or other Yuppie snooty thing likes the Matfer, I'm leaning to the Vollrath because its a little lighter and I'm cheap.. Vollrath 58920 Carbon Steel Fry Pan 11" - has a welded handle so no stupid rivets on inside.. vs. Matfer Bourgeat 062005 11 3/4" Black Carbon Steel Fry Pan .. Matfer one has a flatter style handle which I kind of like vs. Vollrath's which is at a higher angle.. Waiting to hear your responses!