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Random Observations

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Jay M.

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Mon Apr 09, 2007 10:09 pm

Random Observations

by Jay M. » Mon Apr 06, 2020 8:30 pm

Random observations in the COVID-times (thanks for indulging my boredom):

• The Bellarmine students living behind me drag out the table every night to engage in a rousing match of beer pong – social distancing does not appear high on their agenda.
• Watching the local and national news folks broadcasting from their homes. Many appear with their bookcases in the background – maybe they think it makes them look more intelligent (?). Always try to see what they’re reading.
• I must monitor my consumption of all news: broadcast, newsfeeds, followed sites/people, etc. It makes me crazy and affects my mood and sleep habits but reinforces my upcoming vote.
• We seem to be running the dishwasher much more than usual and generating more waste. I guess that comes with many more meals at home.
• Toilet paper has reappeared (for the most part).
• Thank goodness for grocery store workers, postal workers, Amazon Prime delivery, and medical professionals – you rock.
• My home internet is out of date and could use an upgrade.
• I haven’t worn anything but jeans and a T-shirt for going on 4 weeks.
• Please don’t look at my recycling bin.
• I wasn’t worried about my cat until the Bronx tiger tested positive.
• Why was a tiger tested?
• The restaurant staff and setting add so much to the experience. I miss that. Take out doesn’t substitute, but we do it hoping the staff and the locale return soon and intact.
• Probably more to come. Please add your own.
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Robin Garr

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Tue Feb 27, 2007 2:38 pm


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Re: Random Observations

by Robin Garr » Mon Apr 06, 2020 9:34 pm

Good stuff, Jay! I'll think of some more to add in the morning.

I never know how much these lower forums get read ... if this doesn't pick up steam here, feel free to repost as an off-topic conversation in the main forum.
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Wed Jul 09, 2008 6:26 pm


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Re: Random Observations

by JustinHammond » Wed Apr 08, 2020 11:50 am

Jay M. wrote:• social distancing does not appear high on their agenda.

This applies to almost every golfer I've seen. I can't understand why golf courses are allowed to be open.
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Carla G

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Mon Sep 28, 2009 9:01 am

Re: Random Observations

by Carla G » Thu May 28, 2020 1:34 am

I do child care. During “normal “ times I work with several families at a time. I do (did) a bunch of pick ups from school and sit with the kids until parents got home gigs. Several of those families were medical workers. After watching a mom or a dad sit in their car and cry before entering the garage to change into “home” clothes before they will enter their own home has forced the realization of this new reality on me. I’ve had to drop all my clients but one which I am isolating with. Their work is essential and their child has special needs. This is real. This isn’t some contrived political agenda. If you are able to distance yourself from it because you can work at home, or are retired, or you or your loved ones don’t fall into the high risk category I’m happy for you. But don’t relax and lower your guard. Don’t be scared. Do be cautious. This is going to take a while.
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