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Steve P

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Sun Sep 23, 2007 10:18 pm

Lets Talk Fitness Clubs

by Steve P » Mon Jan 28, 2008 11:44 pm


We're only a couple of months away from relocating to L'vlle and need I say we can't wait. I've spent more time than I care to admit perusing this and other forums and want to thank you all for making us feel like a couple of kids waiting for Christmas. We are both very anxious to get settled in and learn more about your wonderful city.

So can we talk Fitness Clubs ? We're probably looking to settle down somewhere in the J-town/Hurstbourne/Prospect/western Oldham area. Are there any fitness clubs any of you would recommend ? We're looking more for a full service club rather than we are one of those smallish places that have been opening in all the strip plazas. Someplace with a pool/aerobic classes/weights, perhaps a walking track. The ideal place would be somewhere a couple of 40-somethings who are fighting the effects of too many late nights and too many good meals could be comfortable. <BG>

As always we appreciate your advice and remarks.

Thank you,

Steve and Becky Pearson
Stevie P...The Daddio of the Patio
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Deb Hall

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Sun Mar 04, 2007 4:46 pm


Highlands , Louisville

by Deb Hall » Tue Jan 29, 2008 12:19 am

LAC on WEstport Road would be close to where you are talking to and it's really great. I don't think they have a pool, though.

Alternately, you could travel farther to Baptist East Milestone (close to/ behind the Mall St. Matthews). I went there for a year when I was pregnant (they have great classes) and they have great staff and programs (and pools).

Welcome to Louisville!
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Ed Vermillion

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Fri Mar 02, 2007 1:32 pm


38 degrees 25' 25' N 85 degrees 36' 2' W

by Ed Vermillion » Tue Jan 29, 2008 12:52 am

Our family greatly enjoys the Greater Louisville YMCA. They have many locations, helpful people to get you started and extended hours so you are bound to find a time to get your workout in. Added benefits are the YMCA's where we travel honor your home membership so one is almost always available. Have a safe trip home and Welcome!
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Aaron Newton

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Thu Mar 15, 2007 3:34 pm

by Aaron Newton » Tue Jan 29, 2008 10:04 am

I go to Jewish Community Center on Dutchman's Lane. They have a great facility with many weight rooms, both free-weight and machine, lots of cardio equipment, aerobic studio, aerobics and pilates classes, a number of racquetball courts, two full size indoor basketball courts, an indoor track indoor pool, outdoor pool, and another outdoor pool that they usually put a bubble over for winter use.

LOTS of 40 somethings (and plenty of 50 and 60 somethings as well) to keep you from feeling like you are out of place. You don't see a lot of typical gym-rats here. There are some, but honestly it's the minority.
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Fri Nov 02, 2007 11:47 am



by MichelleJ » Tue Jan 29, 2008 11:25 am

The Y or the JCC sound to be what you're looking for. The benefit of the Y is that of course it has many locations throughout town. I've not been but I hear the downtown YMCA is spectacular. I'm thinking of signing up for it myself though I prefer to exercise outdoors. It's the free sessions with the Y's nutritionist and the classes they offer that really make it attractive to me personally.
Consuming Louisville
very good things to do, buy & eat in the River City
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Robin Garr

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Tue Feb 27, 2007 2:38 pm


Crescent Hill

Re: Lets Talk Fitness Clubs

by Robin Garr » Tue Jan 29, 2008 11:37 am

Steve P wrote:So can we talk Fitness Clubs ? We're probably looking to settle down somewhere in the J-town/Hurstbourne/Prospect/western Oldham area. Are there any fitness clubs any of you would recommend ?

Steve, first, a tangent: Are you folks pretty much committed to the 'burbs? Not that Hurstbourne and J'town aren't attractive, but this city has such great urban neighborhoods with real character. If you're the kind of guy who enjoys the sort of food and wine and culture that we on this forum prize, it seems to me that you might be happier in the Highlands or Crescent Hill than suburbia. At a minimum, I hope you'll be skeptical if your real-estate agent tries to tell you scare stories about crime and traffic and bad schools.

All of which leads up to saying that I've been very happy with <b>Fitness on Frankfort</b>, which is in Crescent Hill within a few steps of Heine Brothers, Carmichael's books, The Wine Rack, Porcini, Just Creations and loads of other local businesses. It would be a long haul in from Prospect, but if you should end up in Crescent Hill or Clifton or even St. Matthews, it's worth a look.
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Ed Vermillion

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Fri Mar 02, 2007 1:32 pm


38 degrees 25' 25' N 85 degrees 36' 2' W

by Ed Vermillion » Tue Jan 29, 2008 11:47 am

Robin, The West Oldham County League of Keeping Urbanites Urbane wanted to mention to you that our Border Guards have overlooked your lack of Passport (and immunizations, you should have that rash looked at by the way) far too long. In future, have your papers handy when you venture out into the wilds, I don't know how much longer we can vouch for you "out here". :lol:
Last edited by Ed Vermillion on Sat Feb 02, 2008 12:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Beth K.

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Wed May 23, 2007 2:18 pm

by Beth K. » Tue Jan 29, 2008 2:04 pm

I would like to second the plug for JCC. They have a wonderful class schedule (varied and frequent), wonderful machines, a very nice locker room, an indoor walking track, racketball courts, an indoor pool, an outdoor pool...seriously the list goes on and on. If you have kids, they will love you for the outdoor pool in the summer. They offer family memberships. There are also lots of extras and additional perks to being a member. Oh, and they also have great hours. You can get a free pass to try it out and see if you like it.
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Steve P

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Sun Sep 23, 2007 10:18 pm

by Steve P » Tue Jan 29, 2008 7:26 pm


Thank you for your replies regarding fitness clubs. Most of you have likely relocated at some time in your lives, if so you understand the value of the advice you have offered.

You all may find this a bit over the top or as my daughter says "OCD" but Becky and I printed off a rather large (4x4) map of Louisville and have it pinned up on the wall in the spare bedroom. As we recieve your recomendations, or make discoveries on our own (be it fitness clubs, grocery stores, dining establishments, etc) we place little stars at their respective location on the map. Doing this has really helped us to visually "zero in" on places we might like to live.

Again, thank you all for your replies...Hopefully we can someday return the favor.
Stevie P...The Daddio of the Patio
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TP Lowe

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Fri Mar 02, 2007 6:00 am


Shelby County

by TP Lowe » Tue Jan 29, 2008 8:21 pm

Really cool idea, Steve. OCD or not, a good plan is a good plan!

We look forward to welcoming you to our fair city.
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Steve P

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Sun Sep 23, 2007 10:18 pm

Re: Lets Talk Fitness Clubs

by Steve P » Wed Jan 30, 2008 1:15 am

Steve, first, a tangent: Are you folks pretty much committed to the 'burbs? Not that Hurstbourne and J'town aren't attractive, but this city has such great urban neighborhoods with real character. If you're the kind of guy who enjoys the sort of food and wine and culture that we on this forum prize, it seems to me that you might be happier in the Highlands or Crescent Hill than suburbia. At a minimum, I hope you'll be skeptical if your real-estate agent tries to tell you scare stories about crime and traffic and bad schools.


I don't know that I would use the word "committed" to any place just yet. Actually one of the things we fell in love with on our (first) visit to L'ville were some of the awesome neighborhoods (Crescent Hill, The Highlands, etc). That being said there are a couple of reasons we are leaning more toward surburbia. I am an avid (veggie) gardener and Becky loves her flowers, so we're probably looking for a bit more room to stretch out than what many places closer in might have to offer. Another consieration is that we're planning to open a homebased bookkeeping business (Becky has about 20 years experience) and we're thinking a more centralized location might work to our advantage.

All of this being said we are certainly not allowing our realtor to lead us around by a ring in our nose and we regularly peruse ALL areas of the MLS. In short we're keeping an open mind about everything at this point and hope to learn a bit more about the area on our next visit (March 14-18).
Stevie P...The Daddio of the Patio
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Ron Johnson

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Thu Mar 01, 2007 11:48 am

Re: Lets Talk Fitness Clubs

by Ron Johnson » Wed Jan 30, 2008 8:40 pm

Steve P wrote:Steve, first, a tangent: Are you folks pretty much committed to the 'burbs? Not that Hurstbourne and J'town aren't attractive, but this city has such great urban neighborhoods with real character. If you're the kind of guy who enjoys the sort of food and wine and culture that we on this forum prize, it seems to me that you might be happier in the Highlands or Crescent Hill than suburbia. At a minimum, I hope you'll be skeptical if your real-estate agent tries to tell you scare stories about crime and traffic and bad schools.


I don't know that I would use the word "committed" to any place just yet. Actually one of the things we fell in love with on our (first) visit to L'ville were some of the awesome neighborhoods (Crescent Hill, The Highlands, etc). That being said there are a couple of reasons we are leaning more toward surburbia. I am an avid (veggie) gardener and Becky loves her flowers, so we're probably looking for a bit more room to stretch out than what many places closer in might have to offer. Another consieration is that we're planning to open a homebased bookkeeping business (Becky has about 20 years experience) and we're thinking a more centralized location might work to our advantage.

All of this being said we are certainly not allowing our realtor to lead us around by a ring in our nose and we regularly peruse ALL areas of the MLS. In short we're keeping an open mind about everything at this point and hope to learn a bit more about the area on our next visit (March 14-18).

Steve: given those parameters you should look hard at St. Matthews. Great neighborhood, very centrally located, homes with big yards available, and amenable to a home-based business. Plus, you're close to a ton of good eats!!
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David O.

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Mon Mar 05, 2007 9:52 am



Re: Lets Talk Fitness Clubs

by David O. » Thu Jan 31, 2008 10:37 am

Ron Johnson wrote:Steve: given those parameters you should look hard at St. Matthews. Great neighborhood, very centrally located, homes with big yards available, and amenable to a home-based business.

No matter what the cost. :wink:
David O.
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carla griffin

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Wed Mar 07, 2007 8:32 pm

by carla griffin » Sat Feb 02, 2008 8:44 am

I'll second Ron's mention of St Matthews. I just moved from there about 2 years ago and I'm just gonna hafta' move back. It is a bit pricier than some areas further out but you can still get a house with a yard and all the amenities of living in a city. Crime is very low there as well. Cool shops, great restaurants more than 1 good grocery and on a main bus-line. It's like Mayberry on steroids.
There is one thing more exasperating than a wife who can cook and won't, and that's a wife who can't cook and will. ~Robert Frost
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Charles W.

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Thu Mar 01, 2007 12:53 pm



by Charles W. » Sat Feb 02, 2008 11:39 am

The YMCA's in town, in particular the Downtown and Northeast branches, are as complete as one could hope for in fitness clubs. Lots of machines, lots of classes, pool, etc. As already noted, the fact that one can use any of the branches is a plus.

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