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Beautitul Dog

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Heather Y

{ RANK }

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Thu Mar 01, 2007 12:07 pm



Beautitul Dog

by Heather Y » Sun Feb 27, 2011 12:42 pm

Hi Gang,
I have a dog that is available for adoption.
His name is "Sam", and he is a Shepherd/Mastiff mix.
Red body and tail, and a black/gray muzzle and white chest.

Sam minds beautifully, loves to play, but also just "chills" easily.
This dog gets along with children, female dogs, other animals, compatibility with male dogs is unknown. Barking is not one of Sam's strongest traits, although he will let an intruder know who is in charge, I have seen it first hand.

My son is gonna be going off to college, and taking care of Sam on my own will prove to be unfair to Sam. I spend a lot of time away from home during the day and he does not get the attention that he deserves.

Ideal situation would be a home with a fenced yard, as he can go out to do his business, and run around a little.

If you have any questions, please PM me, and include a phone no. or an email address, and I can call or send a picture of Sam.


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