Hi, Alanna!
Alanna said:
And I know church services are not there to entertain you but hoping to find a place that, to put it nicely, won't put me to sleep.Something upbeat and happy- no fire and brimstone, you're going to h e ll if you do this, kind of sermons.
I know this will start a firestorm (no pun intended, I promise) of replies, but let me ask you several questions to consider. Do you really think that a God who does not care about people breaking His law is really worthy of your time and energy? What kind of God is it that says "You can believe what you want, you can define My institution of marriage however you want, you can even define Me however you want, I don't care." I mean, if all you want to do is community service, why not join a club for that. If what you want is positive reinforcement, just turn on Dr Phil. Yes, the Christian life is one of joy, but it is not a joy divorced from reality. The reality is that God is holy and we are sinners. The joy is that God saves sinners (on His terms, of course.)
Will we finite creatures be the ones that decide that things like hell and sin and judgment are not important? Will we, whose life is but a vapor, be the ones who decide that God has not spoken, that all is up for grabs, and that God accepts everyone no matter what they do or believe?
I know of churches that would give you what you want. But that would not be beneficial to you. I am a sinner too, but praise be to God that He sent Jesus Christ to die for my sins and, by God's grace through faith, I have been forgiven and now, instead of receiving the displeasure I so justly deserve, I am accepted as righteous because of the perfect obedience of Christ. Now, instead of being one that hates God (
Romans 3:10-12), I have a new heart that seeks to honor God and to obey Him (
Romans 8:1-14).
I am praying that God will open your eyes to this, as He has mine. As to a good church near the Highlands, I have friends that go to
Clifton Baptist. I go to
Reformed Baptist of Louisville, which is out near Fisherville which obviously is a drive from the Highlands.
Hey, I would even direct you to
Redeemer Presbyterian (PCA) in the Highlands, although I am a Baptist (they are a true church, just a little wrong on baptism).