Ed Vermillion
Fri Mar 02, 2007 1:32 pm
38 degrees 25' 25' N 85 degrees 36' 2' W
And I know church services are not there to entertain you but hoping to find a place that, to put it nicely, won't put me to sleep.Something upbeat and happy- no fire and brimstone, you're going to h e ll if you do this, kind of sermons.
My God said that if She didn't accept everyone no matter what they did or believed then She wouldn't be God.
.....I know of churches that would give you what you want. But that would not be beneficial to you
Alanna H wrote:I'm sorry for any trouble, Robin. There was such good response to the person looking for a mechanic that I thought I might get some recommendations for what I was looking for as well. I was hoping that there would be no personal attacks or judgements against anyone.
Leann C wrote:I'm sorry if I was a little snarky. I had hoped that the humor would soften the message. It just drives me up a wall sideways when someone says that theirs is the only true religion....or the only correct interpretation....or speaks in absolutes and so forth.
Alanna H wrote:I do appreciate the responses- you all have given me a couple of good choices to look at.
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