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Deb Hall

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Sun Mar 04, 2007 4:46 pm


Highlands , Louisville

Acute/Inpatient Rehab for stroke- Need recommendations

by Deb Hall » Mon Jan 28, 2013 2:34 pm

Can anyone suggest a place /source for ratings of acute rehab facilities for stroke victims? Brian's stepmother will be released to an acute rehab facility in awhile and we want her to get the best care possible with Medicaid. It's critical that Darlene gets the best inpatient rehab possible from a place with expertise with stroke. Her brain needs to be taught to reconnect, and we are reading that faster and better treatment leads to significantly better long- term outcomes.But we have no idea how to evaluate. The social worker only talks about where they " know they can get her in ".

She lives in Eastern Kentucky, but we may choose to bring her to Louisville (or Lexington) if the facilities are better.
Thanks for any suggestions!
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Suzi Bernert

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Thu Mar 01, 2007 2:08 pm


Louisville, KY

Re: Acute/Inpatient Rehab for stroke- Need recommendations

by Suzi Bernert » Mon Jan 28, 2013 3:00 pm

Check with U of L Stroke Center for recommendations they are the best in the state. Fraizer Rehab has an excellent reputation.

Work with your social workers, but don't let them dump her somewhere. I have a bit of prejudiced view from my time in EMS, I have seen some miracles and some folks in some awful situations that could have been avoided. The difference is the quality of care. Your MIL also has more rights than Medicaid will admit too, it might be worth your while to hire an advocate for her or at least someone to educate you about her rights. It can be a lawyer or Social Worker that specializes in geriatric/patient rights. Medicaid will try to use the cheapest option which is not always the best for the patient and actually will cost more long term. Is there any other resources like Medicare or insurance involved? Her whole financial history and assets will be looked at as part of placement. That is one of the reasons you may need expert help.

Best of luck and prayers for you all.
Retired from LMEMS
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Deb Hall

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Sun Mar 04, 2007 4:46 pm


Highlands , Louisville

Re: Acute/Inpatient Rehab for stroke- Need recommendations

by Deb Hall » Mon Jan 28, 2013 3:35 pm

Thanks, Suzi.

We already have an elder care attorney ( even though she is only 57!) looking out for her financial interests. Unfortunately, the Social Worker has been no help on recommendations ( and actually gave us wrong advice on Medicaid filing, so luckily we talked to the lawyer or it would have been even more disasterous.) They are suggesting where they know they can place her, not necessarily where the best place is. We want to create a list of the facilities with the best stroke rehab so we can advocate for that option.

You say U of L is the best in the state- is there a list somewhere that ranks them? or awards we should look for?

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Suzi Bernert

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Thu Mar 01, 2007 2:08 pm


Louisville, KY

Re: Acute/Inpatient Rehab for stroke- Need recommendations

by Suzi Bernert » Mon Jan 28, 2013 5:18 pm

In my opinion, U of L is best for primary care, they have AHA/ASA certification and they were the first. They would be a resource for recommendations for the secondary care you are looking for. There are multiple Stroke Centers in Louisville accredited by the Joint Commission, all great for primary care. I have had classes with Dr. Rimmel and that team seems more in tune with the followup needed as they treat people from all over the state, some remotely.

Best you can do is educate yourself - which you are doing. There is an accrediting agency for rehab facilities: Commission on the Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF)[url].[/url] that may be helpful in your research. You can also tell a lot in a visit.
Retired from LMEMS
Co-Founder and House Mother
Berndows Enterprise
"Time to eat?"
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Kris Billiter

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Thu Mar 01, 2007 11:12 am



Re: Acute/Inpatient Rehab for stroke- Need recommendations

by Kris Billiter » Sat Feb 02, 2013 9:16 am

I'm no expert but I've known several people who have gone to cardinal hill in Lexington for a variety of rehab needs. My uncle went there after his stroke. Might be worth checking into.
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Deb Hall

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Sun Mar 04, 2007 4:46 pm


Highlands , Louisville

Re: Acute/Inpatient Rehab for stroke- Need recommendations

by Deb Hall » Sat Feb 02, 2013 11:34 am

Thanks, Kris- that's reassuring . We've select Cardinal Hill already, both based on recommendations and because she wants to stay in Lexington to be closer to the rest of the family.

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