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Carla G

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Mon Sep 28, 2009 9:01 am

Those food related Youtube clips

by Carla G » Tue Jan 07, 2025 10:04 am

(I'll admit the only reason I'm posting this is because I am bored out of my skull being stranded by the weather, an uncleared condo parking lot and a garage door that is frozen shut. Apologies.)

I've been watching some Youtube clips that run along the lines of " British school kids try American biscuits and gravy" or New Zealand family experiences Texas BBQ for the first time!" Most of the time their responses are positive, sometimes they border on the orgazmic and, rarely, the tasted food will illicit an ugly face or some sort of negative reaction. But usually I sit and wonder, "Well, how do YOU cook….(fill in the blank) green beans - mac and cheese - mashed potatoes or whatever. I realize cultures are different depending on what is available, religious constraints for some given areas, land mass size in relation to what food animals are raised, different seasonal temperatures and cooking habits in general. But when I look at the diversity of cultures within the US I appreciate why so many people can come here and taste "the very best beef rib I've ever had!" or say "I didn't know you could do that with an apple and some cinnamon." We are lucky to be a culinary nation of superlatives.

Or are we?

Perhaps we think so simply because we are so used to our own methods and ways?
This is my question ….
What other nations exhibit some sort of superiority in a culinary field? Does Italy have the BEST PIZZA EVER!? I would venture that Middle Eastern nations have the best goat and/or lamb offerings. Far eastern nations excel in seafood. Europe makes darn fine butter, better than the US.
Where are we surpassed and what can we still learn?
What has your experience been?
"She did not so much cook as assassinate food." - Storm Jameson
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Robin Garr

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Tue Feb 27, 2007 2:38 pm


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Re: Those food related Youtube clips

by Robin Garr » Tue Jan 07, 2025 4:49 pm

Good musings, Carla.

Italy has the best pizza, but it’s also really good in southern France and in Slovenia and Croatia, probably because of proximity.

I’ve never had better seafood than in Portugal.

And Guinness tastes even better in Ireland, just to name a few.
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James Natsis

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Tue Jun 05, 2007 2:34 pm

Re: Those food related Youtube clips

by James Natsis » Tue Jan 07, 2025 8:34 pm

I think a lot has to do with an individual's ability/willingness to pay to eat.

A couple of examples come to mind:

I had project in Cotonou, Benin about 20 some years ago. I traveled there 5 times with some work colleagues and we had a decent per diem for food. I loved eating there because I could hit their restaurant row and eat French, Chinese, Creole, etc. The salads, although simple, were like out of a farmers market--freshly picked! Of course, meat was without hormones, and French wines were detaxed so they were surprisingly cheap.

Last year, I met up with a friend of mine in Quebec City who was there with his wife for about a month. She commented that there weren't many ethnic restaurants there. I pointed out that there were plenty, but not where they were staying and not for the price they were looking to pay!

When I was in Italy as a young backpacker, I was eating pizza slices from pay-at-the counter pizza joints and buying a baguette, cheese and ham from the grocery stores in France. Later when I lived in France for a year teaching at a French lycee, I and 3 other foreign teaching assistants was invited by colleagues who took turns hosting us at their homes. These were several hour ordeal with 3-4 wines paired with various foods. Really fantastic dining experiences that would cost way more than I would be willing to pay in French restaurants.

Its certainly more complicated than that. But even in Louisville, for those fortunate enough/willing to fork out what it takes, there is really good food here.
James J. Natsis
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Carla G

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Mon Sep 28, 2009 9:01 am

Re: Those food related Youtube clips

by Carla G » Wed Jan 08, 2025 9:57 am

Maybe it's the simple vision of the chef knowing how much "weight" his ingredients can carry in the profile. I traveled with my older brother throughout France, Italy, Spain the Canaries and when I think of memorable meals from then they were usually simply done. A plateful of whole, tiny, fried fish dusted in cornmeal (Venice), or the fresh figs and raspberries topped with a creme fraice (Maxine's, Paris). So simple yet I will never forget them. Superlatives in my mind to this day.
"She did not so much cook as assassinate food." - Storm Jameson

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