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Robin Garr

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Tue Feb 27, 2007 2:38 pm


Crescent Hill

Talking about tipping: Has your approach changed?

by Robin Garr » Wed Nov 13, 2024 8:25 am

I'm trolling a bit for a possible future story about tipping these days, particularly since the pandemic changed a lot of things. Let's I'm curious about what percentage you tip when you dine out? Has that changed in some way since 2020? What are your tipping practices now?

(For purposes of this discussion, I'm less focused on the tipping practice in the US. We all know it's different from Europe and most of the rest of the world, and we all know that stiffing your particular server on any given day wan't change that. But sure, talk about that, too, if you feel you need to. 8) )
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Carla G

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Mon Sep 28, 2009 9:01 am

Re: Talking about tipping: Has your approach changed?

by Carla G » Sun Nov 17, 2024 11:19 am

So much changed with Covid. I've noticed small signs at drive throughs that say they gladly accept tips. So yeah, I tip. Especially at some of the places that have noticeably tried to keep menu pricing in line. How much? Maybe a couple bucks. At dine in places I usually tip by percentage. Usually 20-25%. Sometimes a bit more if the server or staff have really gone out of their way. I'll admit, I do so willingly as long as the fates promise I never EVER have to do restaurant work again. The other side of that coin is that should the staff/server really bungle things in a major "this could have all been avoided"way (this almost never happens) I have no problems contacting a manager or writing a negative review.
"She did not so much cook as assassinate food." - Storm Jameson
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Robin Garr

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Tue Feb 27, 2007 2:38 pm


Crescent Hill

Re: Talking about tipping: Has your approach changed?

by Robin Garr » Wed Nov 20, 2024 8:11 am

That's pretty much my take on it, Carla. Thanks!

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