Traditionally served from boats on Bangkok's famed canals, Thai boat noodles resemble Vietnamese pho but boast distinctive Thai character and lots of beefy goodness.

Hey, everyone! I’ve got to tell you about this really good new Thai place. Open only since early in August, Amazing Thai is living up to its name with fare that’s earning rave reviews from happy diners.
But wait, you say: Didn’t you just review a new Thai eatery last time? Well, yeah! Take Thai on Factory Lane deserved some props too.
But I’ll tell you now what I told you then: Thai cuisine is really good. I’ll dig into a plate full of that any chance I get, and if a third new one opens before the next issue, I’ll probably go there too.
For now, though, I highly recommend a trip to this stylish shopping center dining room on Shelbyville Road just west of Juneau Drive in Middletown. It’s spacious and comfortable, and just about everything on the menu is priced between $10 and $20. Three large screens offer up a variety of Thai cooking videos to keep you occupied, and the food will light up your taste buds.
(For the fearful: Don’t worry if you can’t handle fiery fare. Amazing Thai offers a range of five spice levels, from zero to Thai hot, and in our experience, they’re good at preparing your dish as you like it. They’ll also bring out a handy carrier bearing jars of chile oil, fish sauce and garlic, chopped peanuts, and sugar so you can tweak your dish to your liking.)
And then there’s this: Amazing Thai is one of the few Thai eateries I’ve found around town that will fashion you a bowl of Thai boat noodles. This traditional Thai noodle dish is named after the fleets of boats that line Bangkok’s beloved canals serving street food delights to passersby.
Boat noodles look a bit like Vietnamese pho, and we could place them in the same category as spicy Southeast Asian noodle-and-meat bowls. But boat noodles are pho’s country cousin, full and hearty with rustic broths and, usually, a variety of meat.
Of course we had to try them. Thai boat noodles ($14.99) ...
Read my full review on LouisvilleHotBytes:
You'll also find this review in LEO Weekly's Food & Drink section this week:
Amazing Thai
12336 Shelbyville Road,
Noise Level: With the room only partly full, conversation was easy in spite of voices from guests at nearby tables. Average sound level was 69.3dB with only occasional higher peaks.
Accessibility: The restaurant and all seating except for some booths appear to be accessible to wheelchair users.