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Robin Garr

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Tue Feb 27, 2007 2:38 pm


Crescent Hill

10 Taste Salute for Chef Anoosh, October 13

by Robin Garr » Tue Sep 24, 2024 8:50 am

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10 Taste Salute!
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10 Taste Salute!
Celebrating Culinary Icon – Chef Anoosh Shariat
Sunday, October 13, 2024
The Olmsted, 3701 Frankfort Ave.

Korbel Happy Hour, 5-6 p.m.
Dinner and Celebration, 6:15-8:30 p.m.
Master of Ceremonies: Dawne Gee of WAVE 3 TV
$150 Per Person
Apron Inc.: https://www.aproninc.org

Get your tickets at this link!
https://secure.qgiv.com/for/aproninc/ev ... /(qgiv.com)

APRON Inc celebrates 13 years of helping, assisting, and bringing TLC to the Restaurant Community and all those that Make your Dining Experience Top Notch!

APRON, the non-profit that Serves Those Who Serve You, is proud that we get to help the restaurant employees when they are in need. The Ten Taste Salute is one of our largest fundraisers that keeps our mission going strong. We hope to see everyone on Oct 13 for an evening of healthy delicious Chef Anoosh inspired food & drink, our exciting auction, and friendships- old and new.

We will begin the celebration with a Korbel cocktail hour featuring 360 Photo Booth, followed by multiple tastings “Taste Menu” prepared with love by some of Louisville’s finest Local chefs. The tastes will reflect Chef Anoosh love for “eating well and loving life”! Signature cocktail from talented mixologists representing a few of your favorite local restaurants will be a bonus feature. Throughout the dining experience, team APRON, with the assistance of our honorary MC, Dawne Gee, will present an auction, raffle, and guests will hear from some of the “Heroes” we have impacted throughout our thirteen years of service.

The 10 Taste Salute featuring Top-Notch Chefs & Friends of Chef Anoosh will showcase their LOVE for Chef Anoosh and his Dishes! The Celebration will not only be a salute to our commitment to the independent restaurant employees of Louisville but a celebration of a local Chef who has simply made Louisville much more delicious!

APRON Inc is grateful and beyond - The virus and after-effects really put APRON to the test. We received an unprecedented number of applications and have paid out over 1 million in grants to more than 1,100 employees from over 180 restaurants in the past three years! We are immensely proud of the help have given back to our community; and are humbled beyond words at the immense community, corporate, and foundation support we received throughout the past few years.

Participating Chefs:
Oscar Hernandez-Masterson’s Catering
Daniel Stage
Jason Smith-Against the Grain
Finbar Kinsella-St. Joseph’s Children’s Home
Roberto Roitman
Dallas McGarity-Fat Lamb Louisville
Peng Looi-Brooklyn and the Butcher
David Hunter-Outcast Fish and Oyster
David Danielson-äta
Robbi Santos-äta
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Heather L

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Thu Mar 01, 2007 11:12 am

Re: 10 Taste Salute for Chef Anoosh, October 13

by Heather L » Tue Sep 24, 2024 9:48 am

Can't think of a better human that is more deserving of a celebration than Anoosh! We love you Anoosh!
....And be faithful to
Local Merchants Too.
Never buy far off
What you can buy near home.....
(Wendell Berry)
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Robin Garr

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Forum host




Tue Feb 27, 2007 2:38 pm


Crescent Hill

Re: 10 Taste Salute for Chef Anoosh, October 13

by Robin Garr » Tue Sep 24, 2024 3:32 pm

So true, Heather!

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