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Robin Garr

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Tue Feb 27, 2007 2:38 pm


Crescent Hill

Good Belly brings us good deli

by Robin Garr » Wed Sep 11, 2024 7:54 am

Good Belly brings us good deli

A traditional combination of thin-sliced house-made pastrami and corned beef piled high on rye toast elevates this memorable deli sandwich.

Food-loving Louisville folks often complain that our city just can’t get a genuine, New York Jewish deli like Shapiro’s in Indianapolis, or for that matter like Katz’s or Sarge’s or the late, touristy Carnegie Deli in actual New York.

I have never quite gotten this. We have excellent Louisville-style delis here where you can get a pastrami or corned beef on rye that gives New York a run for its money.

But nope, that doesn’t seem to satisfy the deli-hungry crowd. “That’s not autheeeennnntic, they cry.

Now let’s hail last year’s arrival of Good Belly in the Douglass Loop, a popular food truck landed in the bricks-and-mortar space that formerly housed Silly Axe Cafe. Good Belly’s web page describes this happy place as a “chef-driven, NY deli-inspired sandwich shop. … a scratch kitchen where the ingredients between the bread are made in house – including our corned beef and pastrami!”

That’s a lot to like. I like it! I just hope it’s, well, authentic enough to satisfy the long-suffering deli dreamers. I think I’ve figured out what the authenticity seekers are looking for: Visit Shapiro’s or one of the tourist-beloved Jewish-style delis in New York City and you’ll find gigantic pastrami or corned beef sandwiches literally bigger than your head.

Our sandwiches at Good Belly weren’t that lavish. A hefty corned-beef and pastrami combo stood maybe half that height, but it still supplied two days’ worth of leftovers, and it cost $15, just about half of the $28.90 toll for the mountainous pile of meat at Katz’s. ...

Read my full review on LouisvilleHotBytes:

You'll also find this review in LEO Weekly's Food & Drink section this week:
https://www.leoweekly.com/food-drink/is ... r-16819284

Good Belly Sandwich Shop
2216 Dundee Road, Unit 7

Noise Level: This is a busy dining room with a lot of hard surfaces that can amplify noise, but an average sound level at 72.7dB was not a conversation killer.

Accessibility: Two steps inside a common hallway bar access to the main level. A rear entrance from a parking area in the back may allow wheelchair access to an upper room.
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Steve Eslinger

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Fri Jan 11, 2008 1:42 pm



Re: Good Belly brings us good deli

by Steve Eslinger » Wed Sep 11, 2024 8:10 am

Thanks for the review. Even this rye-hater is able to find something there to please the palate.

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