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Robin Garr

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It doesn’t have to be Lent to enjoy Sharks Seafood

by Robin Garr » Wed Mar 13, 2024 6:17 am

It doesn’t have to be Lent to enjoy Sharks Seafood

Oddly shaped but perfectly fried and delicious, Sharks' fried cod comes in three crunchy, tubular portions.

You probably didn’t even notice that I didn’t bother to talk about fried fish for Lent this year. Everyone else was doing it, it seemed, including our pals at LEO Weekly, so why add another voice to the chorus?

Plus, to be frank, with more than one-fourth of Americans now describing their religious affiliation as “nothing in particular,” and no more than one-tenth of the remaining religiously affiliated strictly observing abstinence from meat during Lent, it felt like the pressure was off.

On the other hand …

Who doesn’t like fried fish? We’ve all heard the intriguing if difficult-to-verify assertion that Louisvillians eat more fried mild white fish than many coastal cities, and we recognize a simple truth: We can enjoy fried fish any time of year.

What’s more, I recently ran across an outstanding place for fried fish, and when I say “ran across,” I mean just about the only way you’re going to discover Sharks Seafood is if someone tells you about it or you happen to be in McMahan Plaza at Hikes Point and notice it on your way to Kroger or Feeders Supply.

Why would this clean, modern, corporate-looking storefront that’s held down a corner spot in the shopping center for seven years have no website, no social media, not even a published telephone number?

“We don’t do publicity,” said the otherwise friendly guy behind the counter. And that was all there was to say about that.

Oh-KAY then. I’ll just say I’m glad we found it, finally, and if you make your way out to Hikes Point for a memorable fried fish (or chicken) repast, you can thank me later. This fish fry doesn’t shut down when Lent ends on Easter Sunday, March 31 this year. It’s here all year!

What makes Sharks Seafood’s fare so good? Simple, well prepared food for one thing. Appealing variety, for another. The menu reminds me a bit of an Indi’s, if Indi’s flipped from mostly chicken with some appetizing fish options to mostly fish with some appetizing chicken options.

Let’s count: Among the starters, seafood dinners, sandwiches, and combo meals that can serve a family, the menu lists 30 fish and seafood options vs. exactly seven starters and one sandwich that are land-based fare. Flip to the back of the menu and you’ll find a baker’s dozen fried-chicken wings and tenders.

Pricing is more than fair, with starters priced from $4.29 to $10.99 and most seafood dinners $12.99 and under. Only the fancy grilled salmon dinner rises to $17.99. ...

Read my full review on LouisvilleHotBytes:

You'll also find this review in LEO Weekly's Food & Drink section this week:

Sharks Seafood
3099 Breckenridge Lane, Suite 101
No published phone.
No website
No social media pages
Google information page: https://bit.ly/Sharksforfish

Noise Level: Decibel levels weren't out of normal range during a Saturday lunch with several other diners in the room.

Accessibility: The shopping center space appears accessible to wheelchair users.

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