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Have a (disco) ball at Paseo

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Robin Garr

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Have a (disco) ball at Paseo

by Robin Garr » Wed Dec 20, 2023 8:36 am

Have a (disco) ball at Paseo

Almost as big around as an oversize meatball, Paseo's lamb burger comes with a fried egg on top and more, much more.

When was the day the disco died? Surely the dance and the surrounding culture were already fading by the late 1970s. But historians trace its ultimate demise to July 12, 1979, when a wacky “Disco Demolition” night at Chicago’s Comiskey Park boiled into a riot that caused at least nine injuries, 39 arrests, and the forfeit of that night’s Major League Baseball game between the Chicago White Sox and the Detroit Tigers.

It was a momentous occasion, I’m sure. But riddle me this: Why am I recalling this sad event to introduce this week’s restaurant review? Stay with me. I’ll get there as fast as I can.

This may seem counterintuitive, but Kentucky has a long and tangled history with disco, or more specifically the shiny, mirror-surfaced disco ball. According to NBC News the disco ball was invented in Kentucky in 1917, which seems odd when we consider that the disco craze itself didn’t come along for another 45 years or so.

What’s more, Louisville’s Omega National Products was one of the largest disco ball factories in the U.S., and eventually became the last one standing. We proudly claimed our status as Disco Ball City, even as production dropped with declining demand to only a few glittering balls weekly.

All this eventually had to end, and this is where we finally dance around to the point: So long, Omega National and your disco balls. Welcome, Myriad Hotel and its upscale Mediterranean restaurant, Paseo. The restaurant actually opened a month or so before the hotel did, but it’s all in operation now, including Myriad’s more casual restaurant, Switchboard; an extensive patio, meeting spaces, and even a swimming pool. ...

Read my full review on LouisvilleHotBytes:

You'll also find this review in LEO Weekly's Food & Drink section this week:

Paseo Restaurant
Myriad Hotel
900 Baxter Ave.

Noise Level: We had a room largely to ourselves for Saturday midday brunch, so conversation was easy at a moderate 64.2dB sound level.

Accessibility: The entrance and dining area appear to be accessible to wheelchair users.
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Heather L

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Thu Mar 01, 2007 11:12 am

Re: Have a (disco) ball at Paseo

by Heather L » Wed Dec 20, 2023 10:15 am

Haven't made it to Paseo yet but I am excited to try it. Don't care at all about their entrees honestly but the variety of starters and sides looks good to me! Much more fun way to make a meal that way (to me).

Thanks Robin!
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