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Robin Garr

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Tue Feb 27, 2007 2:38 pm


Crescent Hill

Buy Local Fair Louisville June 10!

by Robin Garr » Sat Jun 03, 2023 9:08 am

Buy Local Fair
Saturday, June 10, Noon-6 p.m.
(new location) Festival Plaza in Waterfront Park

The Louisville Independent Business Alliance (LIBA) hosts the Buy Local Fair on Saturday, June 10th from 12n-6pm at Festival Plaza in Waterfront Park (231 Witherspoon Ave.). The event features over 100 local retailers, makers, local libations and food, with kids activities, a cooking competition, “kid-preneur” market, and more. Admission is free with a $3 per person suggested donation to support LIBA and the Buy Local cause. For more information, visit https://KeepLouisvilleWeird.com/BuyLocalFair. #BuyLocal Fair

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