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The Bep Teahouse

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Terri Beam

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Mon Feb 16, 2009 3:26 pm

The Bep Teahouse

by Terri Beam » Mon May 29, 2023 10:12 pm

This new boba tea/coffee/Vietnamese snack place snuck into the Highlands under my radar. I'm a milk tea and fruit tea addict, so I don't know how that happened. Apparently it's part of a chain that started in a food truck in Texas. They moved into the previous home of Super Chefs.

We were going to one of our usual boba tea haunts, Fun Tea, and as we walked back to the car with teas already in hand, I came to a screeching halt when I saw the boba tea signs. Womp womp.

We'll go back next week to try it out. I just wish someone would bring some boba tea to Fern Creek. Why they decided to move in so close to Fun Tea is a mystery to me when there's a huge section of the county that is tea-less right now.

Here's the menu which is quite interesting: https://www.thebeplouisville.com/menu-1.

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