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Robin Garr

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Tue Feb 27, 2007 2:38 pm


Crescent Hill

Quoth The Raven, “Gimme more fish!”

by Robin Garr » Wed Mar 01, 2023 9:44 am

Quoth The Raven, “Gimme more fish!”

A worthy Lenten alternative, The Raven's fish and chips plate features two thick cod loins cloaked in shattering crisp breading; airy beer batter is also available.

It’s fish fry season in Louisville again! We're back in that season of Lent when you don’t have to be Catholic to go gaga over Friday fish fries at dozens of local parishes … and a couple of Episcopal churches, too.

Now, for the record, all year is fish-fry season in this river city. Perhaps owing to a substantial rush of German, Irish, Italian, and Lebanese Catholic immigrants during the 19th century, when the L&N railroad would rush fish and oysters up from the Gulf in ice-filled boxcars, Louisville is crazy for seafood all year ‘round.

But that fishy history doesn’t deter us from piling on another layer of culinary excitement when those Friday Lenten fries return. If you’d like to track down a favorite church fish fry, or discover what’s available near you, here are a few handy sources:

• The Archdiocese of Louisville’s calendar of Lenten Fish Fries lists events at nearly 50 Catholic churches throughout the region, at https://bit.ly/YummyFries2023.

• Louisville Public Media's 2023 Fish “Frynder" assembles similar information on a clickable map that makes it easy to filter results by date, time of day, and special activities: https://bit.ly/FishFrynder2023

• Two Louisville Episcopal churches also offer worthy fish fries through Lent: St. Luke’s in Anchorage (1206 Maple Lane, stlukesanchorage.org), and St. Mark’s in Crescent Hill (2822 Frankfort Ave., stmlky.org).

Now, all that’s fine, but I'd just as soon get my fried fish at a restaurant, and I don’t have to wait for Lent. Even with the sad closing of Sal’s Pizza Pub in Lyndon and the loss of Moby Dick in St. Matthews, the city still boasts a score or more of eateries that specialize in the golden-brown speciality.

And that’s not counting many more general-service restaurants where fried cod, scrod, haddock, or other favorites have a place of pride on the menu.

This year, in search of fishy pleasures I hadn’t sampled before, we headed out on Fat Tuesday to check out the Irish-style fried cod at The Raven. This popular spot, which evolved early in the pandemic from its former status as an easterly outpost of Molly Malone’s in the Highlands, has emerged as a prime destination in the busy block of bars and eateries in St. Matthew’s roaring nightlife zone.

Dark and cozy, The Raven boasts an Irish pub feel surely attributable to the ownership of native-born Irishman Brendan McCartan and his Louisville-raised wife, Renee. Billed as “an authentic Irish cultural experience.” It also claims status as the city’s premier rugby pub, along with proper obeisance to soccer including hometown team Lou City FC. ...

Read the complete article with both reviews on LouisvilleHotBytes,
https://www.louisvillehotbytes.com/quot ... -more-fish

You'll also find this review in LEO Weekly's Food & Drink section later today:

The Raven
3900 Shelbyville Road

Noise Level: We went for lunch and had the room almost to ourselves at midday. Silence prevailed. It would be another story, of course, during busy evening hours.

Accessibility: The restaurant appears accessible to wheelchair users.

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