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Louisville Originals Ending

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Mike L

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Wed Dec 09, 2009 1:58 am

Louisville Originals Ending

by Mike L » Fri Nov 29, 2019 6:07 pm

I received this email today, just passing the info along. I don't see anything about it on their website but I imagine it's accurate.
Hate to see it go.



Louisville, KY – The Louisville Originals is dissolving its corporate entity. Member restaurants will continue web certificate redemption's, white gift card redemption's, and rewards card redemption's through June 30, 2020.

“We’re so proud of establishing and growing our independent restaurant community,” said Michael Reidy, owner of The Irish Rover and president of Louisville Originals. “The Louisville Originals program has run its course and we graciously thank all of our supporters through the years.”

Since 1996, Louisville Originals helped create a thriving locally owned restaurant community. Building a loyal customer base, Louisville Originals encouraged patrons to try new restaurants through its rewards program, quarterly discount web certificate sales and universal white gift cards.

Through the years Louisville Originals has supported many community activities that benefit local dining. The organization has also helped numerous local non-profit organizations.

Rewards points will no longer be added after December 31, 2019. Reward accounts must be registered online to redeem. White gift cards are no longer available for sale.

Visit www.louisvilleoriginals.com for more information.

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