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Now! You can join the forum from Facebook!

PostPosted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 6:37 pm
by Robin Garr
If you'd like to join the forum so you can participate in our conversations or post a new topic, you can register and login from Facebook now! All you have to do is click the Facebook logo / "Social Login" at upper right (you'll only see this if you're not logged in to the forum) and use your Facebook identity to log in.

If you don't want to use Facebook, you can still join. Just send me Email at with the following information:

1. Your real name.

2. The log-in/username you prefer. This must be your real first name and last name, with a space, or if you are shy about using your full name, then your first name and last initial is permissible, but I need to know your full name.

3. A password of at least six letters. (You may change this after you join the forum.)

4. The Email address you want associated with this membership. It must be a live, working Email; otherwise, registration will fail.