Megan Johnson wrote:
I suppose I should say something relevant here.
Ethan, your website looks GREAT.
but the desserts you are making look even better!
someday I'll get down to the Oakroom. Probably before I go on my culinary tour of Spain, I suspect.
Ethan Ray wrote:It's been a bit of a work in progress.
I'd been using another blog for my food/work stuff for the past few years.
I ran across a few blogs through and really liked the format - it was a bit more of what i was looking for to begin with.
Robin Garr wrote:Ethan Ray wrote:It's been a bit of a work in progress.
I'd been using another blog for my food/work stuff for the past few years.
I ran across a few blogs through and really liked the format - it was a bit more of what i was looking for to begin with.
I already built you a link from LouisvilleHotBytes, by the way. We use WordPress (our own installation, on Iglou) for the main site ... good pick. It's hard to choose between WordPress and Movable Type (which we also use for some products). They're both very powerful content management software.
Lois Mauk
Sat Mar 03, 2007 11:08 pm
Jeffersonville, Indiana
Megan Johnson wrote:Ethan Ray wrote:The majority of those plates are from my Asiatique days - I haven't even been at the Oakroom a month yet.
Asiatique is actually in the realm of affordability for me, too.
oh well.
Megan Johnson wrote:I do remember going there once with my Pops for a meeting and trying a variety of SCRUMPTIOUS sorbets.
although, they were so pretty to look at and presented so elegantly that I it sort of hurt my heart to attack them with a spoon.
I got over it, needless to say.
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