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Nathaniel C

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Mon Nov 12, 2018 6:50 pm

Instant karma got Spinelli's St. Matthews

by Nathaniel C » Fri Feb 14, 2025 11:39 pm

I had no idea the St. Matthews location was an independently owned franchise of the downtown/Highlands/food truck corporate parent, but here we go...

The franchisee of the St. Matthews location made a Facebook post which began with a bastardization of a slur used to describe disabled people, claimed that the majority has no problem with "Elon, deportation, or DEI being cancelled." Underline emphasis added. He went on to refer to the people who disagree as Karens. The Louisville subreddit has all the tea, for anyone who wants to know more.

Promptly, the St. Matthews Spinelli's location was cancelled :lol: , the corporate parent making a post announcing same and welcoming all to its remaining locations. Despite the derision it's received here (I'm sure it was deserved, I've never eaten there, but the St. Matthews location was never busy), I have heard from others that the Highlands location is capable of making a good pizza.
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James Natsis

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Tue Jun 05, 2007 2:34 pm

Re: Instant karma got Spinelli's St. Matthews

by James Natsis » Sun Feb 16, 2025 12:09 pm

I'm not sure what the franchisee's point was, but haven't people learned that it is not wise to post political views on public social media sites if you represent a business--period! Talk it out with some friends, but don't share your views in a public manner, especially if you are caught up in emotions at a given moment, or in a distorted state of mind due to alcohol or drugs. Backtracking or continued arguing or pleading doesn't work. The water has already flowed downstream!

Bottom line--- callate la boca, fermez la bouche!
James J. Natsis
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Robin Garr

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Tue Feb 27, 2007 2:38 pm


Crescent Hill

Re: Instant karma got Spinelli's St. Matthews

by Robin Garr » Tue Feb 18, 2025 2:11 pm

James Natsis wrote:Bottom line--- callate la boca, fermez la bouche!

Always good advice! I ought to take it myself, but it's not always easy in these trouble times. :mrgreen:

I believe "callate" usually stands alone, but your polite rendition is noted.
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Thu Mar 01, 2007 12:56 pm


St. Matthews

Re: Instant karma got Spinelli's St. Matthews

by MarieP » Tue Feb 18, 2025 7:45 pm

I actually was very disappointed the last two times I tried it (both last year- it had been years since I’d last gone, so I don’t know when it started going downhill). I got delivery and the cannoli tasted off— I threw it away and my stomach felt off afterward (I didn’t call and notify them because apparently I got the last piece, and it was a holiday)). The second time, a friend and I walked in for a late lunch (2:30ish) and the place looked rather dirty. There was no one around for some minutes. A half pizza sat out on the steam table (it looked really sad). The employee who finally appeared looked sad too— honestly, we thought he acted high on something, We left without ordering anything, and he just stared at us.
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Robin Garr

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Tue Feb 27, 2007 2:38 pm


Crescent Hill

Re: Instant karma got Spinelli's St. Matthews

by Robin Garr » Wed Feb 19, 2025 12:58 pm

Marie, I think you have just portrayed a sadly typical St. Matthews Spinelli's experience! :mrgreen:
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James Natsis

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Tue Jun 05, 2007 2:34 pm

Re: Instant karma got Spinelli's St. Matthews

by James Natsis » Wed Feb 19, 2025 10:14 pm

Robin Garr wrote:
James Natsis wrote:Bottom line--- callate la boca, fermez la bouche!

Always good advice! I ought to take it myself, but it's not always easy in these trouble times. :mrgreen:

I believe "callate" usually stands alone, but your polite rendition is noted.

These are troubled times, no doubt. And its tough to not chime in. I guess the best rule is not to get caught up after happy hour!

And from one gringo to another, callate certainly stands on its own because la boca is inferred. But adding "la boca" as emphasis is fine. If one says "Le doy 2 dollares a Bill." "Le" is redundant because "doy 2 dollares a Bill" gets the point across, especially to an English speaker. But "correct" Spanish requires "to him I give 2 dollars to Bill."

As for "fermez la bouche," "ta gueule" is a preferred stronger version which means literally "your muzzle or your mug." .... thanks for allowing me to indulge a bit! .......
James J. Natsis
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Robin Garr

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Tue Feb 27, 2007 2:38 pm


Crescent Hill

Re: Instant karma got Spinelli's St. Matthews

by Robin Garr » Fri Feb 21, 2025 6:55 pm

James Natsis wrote:As for "fermez la bouche," "ta gueule" is a preferred stronger version which means literally "your muzzle or your mug." .... thanks for allowing me to indulge a bit! .......

Another translation, a loose cognate, is “gullet.” :lol: When I was traveling fairly regularly in the Rhône and Provence I hit en heard that the gueule option is considered rude, not that this keeps people from using it in friendly settings.
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Carla G

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Mon Sep 28, 2009 9:01 am

Re: Instant karma got Spinelli's St. Matthews

by Carla G » Sun Feb 23, 2025 9:28 am

Given the restaurant /hospitality industry is firmly benched in customer service (in addition to product quality) it doesn't surprise me that such a hard, radical right leaning, individual would fail in a restaurant endeavor. Everything about good customer service goes against the grain of the radical right. (i.e. caring and service to others before one's self, accepting responsibility and correcting any mistakes…) They simply don't have it in them to execute that kind of business. Just because you like to EAT pizza and maybe even good at COOKING pizza, doesn't mean you'd be good selling pizza. And now I'm wondering what kind of business would benefit from such political ideology? Maybe a deep discounted warehouse where pricing is rock bottom but that's all you can expect. A kind of "you get what you pay for" situation. And there isn't anything wrong with that. I recently read a listing of businesses that came out openly supporting the 2025 epistle and frankly I did not see many that surprised me.
"She did not so much cook as assassinate food." - Storm Jameson
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Robin Garr

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Tue Feb 27, 2007 2:38 pm


Crescent Hill

Re: Instant karma got Spinelli's St. Matthews

by Robin Garr » Tue Feb 25, 2025 10:28 am


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