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Robin Garr

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Tue Feb 27, 2007 2:38 pm


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We get happily lost on Memory Lane

by Robin Garr » Wed May 31, 2023 8:21 am

We get happily lost on Memory Lane

Not many people around today remember Gruber's Restaurant on Bardstown Road, but in its time it was a popular German-American spot, pictured on this antique advertising post card.

The Louisville dining scene sure has changed since I was a kid! Or has it? There’s hardly a better way to spark a conversation among food-loving locals than to start talking about dining out the way it used to be.

It’s no coincidence that one of my recent columns that attracted the most comments was “Memories! The Closed Louisville Restaurants That We Miss The Most” (LouisvilleHotBytes.com, Oct. 22, 2022). Remember? Talking about old favorites like Hasenour’s, Casa Grisanti, Allo Spiedo, and all the other beloved eateries that many of us (cough cough) are old enough to remember with nostalgia.

How much have things really changed since I first got into writing restaurant reviews as a reporter at the old Louisville Times way back in 1984? I’d say “a lot. But I’d also say, “not as much as you think.” The details would make a good story for another day, and I’m sure I’ll get to it.

Today, though, let’s hop on the wayback machine for a trip even farther back in restaurant time: Have you ever wondered how much our local dining scene has changed since our parents or grandparents were kids? Nah, me either. But my curiosity got sparked the other day when I wandered down a social media rabbit hole into the Louisville Thru The Years, a public Facebook group.

There to my wondering eyes appeared a full-page ad from the Oct. 13, 1963 Courier-Journal, 50 years ago this fall. Headlined "Enjoy a Family Adventure, Your Guide to Good Eating. October is National Restaurant Month," the ad features a grid of 20 small ads for restaurants designed to lure the hungry reader, and their family too.


It was quite a list: A collection of ads that included a few places I've heard of, a couple that lasted into recent years, and a fair number that I don’t recall ever having heard of!

A lot was also notable for its absence. “Mexican” meant chili with spaghetti in those days. “Chinese” meant chop suey and fried rice, mostly. Indian, Thai, Korean, Japanese? You had to travel to New York City or Chicago for that.

What’s more, the few world-food outposts made many of our parents wary. You wouldn’t know what to order at Hoe Kow or Oriental House, and that would be embarrassing. You might get indigestion at The Chile Bowl or the Old Walnut Street Chile Parlor, where you could have a canned tamale dropped atop your chile-on-spaghetti for an extra quarter. Pizza was still relatively recent and a little strange, although you could get a large sausage pie for $1.35 at Joe Z’s Pizza in Buechel, which seemed like a pretty good deal.

So just for fun, let’s take a look at some of the memorable eateries that the CJ ad listed.

Gruber's Restaurant billed itself as the “house of sauerbraten and wiener schnitzel,” with “complete American and European menu and bar service.” It was located at 2461 Bardstown Road in what now appears to be part of the McDonald’s parking lot. The host Bill Gruber, I’m told, had been maite d’ at the Brown Hotel and was known to serenade guests on their birthdays in a booming, operatic voice.

Kaelin’s, on the other hand, the purported source of the world’s first cheeseburger, lasted into modern times at 1801 Newburg Road, and, with considerable remodeling and new owners, hangs on as Kaelin’s 80/20. The CJ ad declared it the home of Colonel Sanders' Kentucky Fried Chicken, back in the days before the Colonel’s franchising really took off.

Kunz's The Dutchman resided at 526 S. Fourth St. at the time of this promotion. It started as a liquor store in the 1890s, became a restaurant in 1941, and moved through several Fourth Street locations with its brand of Louisville-style German food before finally closing in 2007.
Leo's Hideaway had just moved from its longtime home at 115 W. Jefferson St. to 412 W. Chestnut St. when the newspaper ad appeared. An upscale seafood joint featuring shrimp and lobster, it was one of my parents’ favorites. Sadly I wasn’t old enough to go along.

The Colonnade was a fixture in the lower level of the Starks Building for 80 years before new building management ousted the beloved cafeteria in 2006. I can still remember its meat loaf, firm and tender with a haunting scent of green peppers.

“Enjoy the best always,” boasted the ad for Chas Simon's Delicatessen, at 1603 Bardstown Road just south of Bonnycastle Avenue. Unfortunately, “always” didn’t mean always. This deli seems gone without a trace; even The Google can’t find it.

Li'l Abner's, “Kentucky's Most Intriguing Family Restaurant,” was a favorite of Boomer kids during the ‘60s, until the more adult environs of Jim Porter’s replaced it at 2345 Lexington Road at Grinstead Drive.

This random discovery was quite a trip back memory lane beyond the stops that I can actually remember. And that makes me wonder about some of the other older spots that didn’t make the ad or, perhaps, decided not to pay for space on it. Luvisi’s, one of the city’s first upscale Italian restaurants, preceded The Old House at 448 S. Fifth St. and had already gone by the time of this ad. Imorde’s a beloved Italian deli at Third Street near Ormsby, was also gone by the early 1970s.

Now I’m wondering what great restaurants our great-grandparents enjoyed before World War II. Kaelin’s was already there, and Mazzoni’s, and the Cottage Inn. The original Pine Room and the Willow Lake Tavern. The Brown and Seelbach dining rooms. But how about the smaller eateries, the ones whose memories faded before our time? I’d love to know, but I’m afraid Google isn’t going to be much help with this one.

Read the full review on LouisvilleHotBytes,
https://www.louisvillehotbytes.com/happ ... emory-lane

You'll also find this commentary in LEO Weekly's Food & Drink section this week:
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Carla G

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Mon Sep 28, 2009 9:01 am

Re: We get happily lost on Memory Lane

by Carla G » Wed May 31, 2023 9:21 am

The first Mexican restaurant I can remember was Por Que No which I think came in after the original Jack Fry’s. The first oriental restaurant (for me anyway) was either Hoe Kow (was it at the airport?) or Green Dragon located in the Highlands. I thought that place was most exotic place on earth! There was Min’s on Story Ave where you got a main, two sides and bread for $2.50 then carried your tray through the kitchen to get to a table. Joe Z’s in Buchel where the to-go spaghetti dinners were packaged in what looked like foil lined shoe boxes. The Sea Queen was across from Bowman Field a few doors down from Air Devil’s Inn. We also enjoyed the Cape Codder in Hikes Point that had the indoor water fountain.But one of my very favorites that’s long gone is Doe Run Inn. I remember sitting on the deck (after going through an excellent buffet line) and watching some local church holding their baptism ceremonies in the creek behind the restaurant. It’s odd…seems like then every dining experience was unique, almost an event. Then chains came in and the idea was to make a chain location in Louisville to be the same experience it was in Nashville, or Tampa or Denver because diners wanted that familiar feeling. And now that idea has come and gone and we are back craving a novel experience.
"She did not so much cook as assassinate food." - Storm Jameson
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Terri Beam

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Mon Feb 16, 2009 3:26 pm

Re: We get happily lost on Memory Lane

by Terri Beam » Wed May 31, 2023 10:04 am

I know that Doe Run is being used as an animal sanctuary now. I hope they're maintaining the building, as it would be criminal to let something that old fall to pieces.

As for places long gone, I remember a restaurant that was on what is now Old Bardstown Road at the old Fairmount Road in Fern Creek. My parents would never stop there, but there were always tons of cars there on any given day we'd drive from Bloomfield to Louisville for shopping. I have a picture in my head of an old, two story wood-framed building. It disappeared decades ago, but I'd love to know what it was and what it served. It probably had a bar in it which would explain why my Mom wouldn't try it. There's a storage unit complex there now.
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Tue Feb 19, 2008 1:58 pm

Re: We get happily lost on Memory Lane

by BillB » Wed May 31, 2023 10:38 am

Terri Beam wrote:I know that Doe Run is being used as an animal sanctuary now. I hope they're maintaining the building, as it would be criminal to let something that old fall to pieces.

As for places long gone, I remember a restaurant that was on what is now Old Bardstown Road at the old Fairmount Road in Fern Creek. My parents would never stop there, but there were always tons of cars there on any given day we'd drive from Bloomfield to Louisville for shopping. I have a picture in my head of an old, two story wood-framed building. It disappeared decades ago, but I'd love to know what it was and what it served. It probably had a bar in it which would explain why my Mom wouldn't try it. There's a storage unit complex there now.

Terri, my parents lived right by that old restaurant and bar at Old Bardstown and Fairmount for a few years. As they aged, I spent a lot of time caring for them there. I'd take a walk periodically and walk right by that place. During one walk, I noticed you could slip in through one of the doors, so I had to investigate. It looked untouched from when it must have closed in the 80's. There were a few band photos that were still hanging that definitely looked like the mid 80's. It's a shame that the building couldn't or simply wasn't saved. The original part of the building, the first floor, had been a US mail building in the 1800's according to some information I was able to find.
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Carla G

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Mon Sep 28, 2009 9:01 am

Re: We get happily lost on Memory Lane

by Carla G » Wed May 31, 2023 2:52 pm

Terri, my parents lived right by that old restaurant and bar at Old Bardstown and Fairmount for a few years. As they aged, I spent a lot of time caring for them there. I'd take a walk periodically and walk right by that place. During one walk, I noticed you could slip in through one of the doors, so I had to investigate. It looked untouched from when it must have closed in the 80's. There were a few band photos that were still hanging that definitely looked like the mid 80's. It's a shame that the building couldn't or simply wasn't saved. The original part of the building, the first floor, had been a US mail building in the 1800's according to some information I was able to find.[/quote]

Was it the Fairmont Tavern? I seem to remember going there as a minor to buy beer. The son of the then owner was in highschool with us.
"She did not so much cook as assassinate food." - Storm Jameson

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