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Butchertown Bakery

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James Natsis

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Tue Jun 05, 2007 2:34 pm

Butchertown Bakery

by James Natsis » Fri Oct 25, 2019 4:05 pm

I went by there this afternoon to pick up a croissant and a baguette. As can be expected, it was quite packed since it was their first official day.

The place has a nice vibe and should do very well in that location where the breakfast places are packed and people don't mind spending a few extra bucks for a good quality product. The baguette was good, but not quite up to the Blue Dog standard. The croissant was about as good as any other croissant I've had in town . . . all said, this is a great addition to NuLu and Louisville as a whole. It will find its place among the local bakery top of the heap.
James J. Natsis

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