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Lupo turning two, adding menu items

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Robin Garr

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Lupo turning two, adding menu items

by Robin Garr » Wed Jul 17, 2019 9:38 am

Pizza Lupo is celebrating its second anniversary in August, according to a news release. New on the menu is the Sweet Jane pizza, a pie topped with a mix of 3D Valley Farm rib eye, Cambozola cheese, ricotta, horseradish and charred spring onions. Another new dish is short gargati pasta with pancetta, served with house-cured Stone Cross Farm pork belly, broccoli rabe, anchovy, scallions and sesame seeds.

Lupo recently began bread service with a focaccia of the day, baked fresh daily in-house with toppings changing daily. The focaccia is also included on a mezze platter, a sampler that also includes caponata, spiced lentils, house-pickled vegetables, marinated olives and feta, seasonal kimchi and cheese.

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